Example sentences of "we [verb] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We sketch briefly the legal definition of casual working and go on to consider the special features of certain business operations within the hotels and catering industry which explain why casual workers are to be found there .
2 The liberal compromises : " Let's prune , so that we lose neither the old trunk nor the new branches " .
3 We contemplate both the small things and the great realities , at times when it is very hard work , when we feel spiritually dry and unreceptive , or when we rejoice in God and receive his refreshment .
4 We got out the 300mm-long lens .
5 When it comes to the S-word we are all experts , whatever Margi Clarke may say , and we defy even the great Ken Branagh to impress us .
6 ( TIM ) Hello there … they all get a look in tonight … as we round up the local sport … on the start line ready to go first is the football parade
7 English applicants were twice as likely to be selected , and this difference would probably have been greater had we carried out the full study and been able to include posts in teaching hospitals .
8 We report here the concurrent observation of processes ( 1 ) -(6) , which we follow by monitoring ozone and peroxide concentrations in surface air .
9 Telling him that our plans include both National and London Flirting Days , we described how the following Monday our group of sympathisers would be distributing badges bearing the slogan ‘ I Flirt , Therefore I Am ’ at 20 London tube stations .
10 As we glissaded down the final snows to the hut , the summit of Mt Blanc was burnished by the setting sun and the Flammes de Pierre were flickering , true to their name .
11 In sharp contrast , inside the tidy framework of the classical law , we sense intuitively the liberal principles which inspire the legal rules and determine the province of contractual obligations .
12 If we used only the same newspapers then we would miss new developments which added to the range , while if we did add to the sample then we were not comparing like with like .
13 We rose late the next morning .
14 We rose early the next morning awoken by the clanging of the abbey bells .
15 We rose early the next morning .
16 We replace however the equal division assumption by that of primogeniture , with estates being passed on intact to the eldest son ( a model first analysed in Stiglitz , 1969a ) .
17 Umpteen four-bedroomed houses later , we were wondering if it really was the right thing to do : every time we found just the right place , the surveyor 's report showed movement of the north wall , or some other equally expensive-to-repair problem .
18 We wandered up the darkened staircase back to our chamber .
19 As a community do we seek out the poor and oppressed , endeavouring to help them in their struggle for dignity or do we put them in our litanies of prayer but refuse to act ?
20 ‘ Of course , we have n't time to give it more than a catlick , ’ she came to realize as we staggered up the grand flight of stairs to the first floor .
21 Because of our late start and leisurely progress , the light is thickening as we stumble along the forgotten stretch of ridge between Bwlch Ciliau .
22 Immediately below the photograph , we show schematically the corresponding array of cones : long- , middle- and short-wave cones are represented by red , green and blue discs , respectively .
23 We woke early the next morning .
24 So far as Trading Standards is concerned Chairman , the major income are weights and measures testing fees and they are set down by LACOTS , that 's Local Authority Courts on Trad on Trading Standards on er , an agreed scale , so we charge exactly the same as other authorities , for the same , for the same work , and we increase the fees every year , er , in line with erm , the recommendation .
25 He said : ‘ If we cut off the right hands of thieves in this country , we would be well off — because then there would be no burglaries . ’
26 Upstairs in the elegant dining room we noticed again the superb position of the hotel , as our table overlooked the marketplace below .
27 We hope over the five years to make a significant impact into solving the area 's many problems , ’ said Coun Carr .
28 Our trucks had open sides and Marius , Vermulen and I clung to each other , faces buried in our hoods , as we churned down the slushy autoroutes , the speed of the trucks sending icy , sawing winds through us at seventy kilometres per hour .
29 Thomas enthused : ‘ It 's quite a feat to beat Liverpool on a normal outing , but the side we put out the other night was straight from the creche .
30 As a last resort MOD might tell us if we filled in the right forms .
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