Example sentences of "we [verb] [be] [v-ing] over " in BNC.

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1 Well let's think for just a moment , you know , we 've been talking over these last three or four weeks about faith and that , erm , let's just think , perhaps and we should have done this sooner , but I du n no , it it fits in th this morning , er perhaps just what , what faith is .
2 What it means for the homes is that they 're going to have to take a what we 've been doing over the last two or three years is gradually improving the staffing levels in our elderly people 's homes , because the dependency levels in those homes are getting very high .
3 The period of calm after the year-end 1992 figures were out of the way and digested ended with a bang this week as Wall Street woke up to what we have been flagging over the past month — that estimates for IBM Corp 's first quarter performance were far too high , and that virtually no business was being done .
4 It will be a real chance to learn in a practical way many of the things we have been studying over the last few months .
5 ‘ What we have been doing over the last few weekends is exercising our right to search someone if we have a reasonable belief that they are carrying a weapon , ’ said Mr Wood .
6 We have been doing over the past few nights
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