Example sentences of "she now [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My mother 's hotel may have elevated her from the raw stuff of commerce — so much so that she now subscribed to Country Living and other unspecialist periodicals — but the caravan enclosure was decaying anew .
2 After this , Pakeezah 's brothers went to Pakistan while her younger sister emigrated to England : she now lived in Wembley where her husband worked in a biscuit factory making shortbread .
3 Anyhow , ’ he continued in his usual exuberant fashion , ‘ we were standing right outside Oliphants ’ Café , so I suggested coffee , and in no time she was telling me how she now lived in London , and had a flat there , and … ’
4 Her independence was further underlined by an impending marriage , news of which she now shared with Taheb .
5 Her feelings for him had been a pallid thing beside what she now felt for Fen .
6 Chantal had not said how she now felt about Philippe Chaumont , and he felt unable to ask .
7 She now cooked with garlic , took an interest in wine and spoke of fricassees rather than fry-ups .
8 But when you enter into them , she now saw in sorrow , the blueness evaporates .
9 The Mother Superior did n't need to check Aggie 's flow , she did it herself , saying , ‘ Well , this one here ’ — she now thumbed towards Millie — ‘ I 'd like to bet she 's read the Bible from beginnin' to end , an' many other books besides .
10 And lass ’ — she now bent over Agnes — ‘ if that Dad of yours has done me lad any deep damage he 'll pay for it .
11 Flinging a cloth over a side table , she now turned towards Mick and said , ‘ I 'm not puttin' meself out for you , mind .
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