Example sentences of "she was [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jinny went bright red and started towards the door so fast that Keith did not catch her up until she was outside on the path .
2 She was outside on the step , gazing at the winter afternoon .
3 As Maura watched the dust motes flying through the air in the rays of the June sun she wished that she was outside with the younger children .
4 She was outside in the garage
5 She must have been going for the six o'clock train , and she was probably in a dickens of a rush when … ’
6 And she was well past the point at which she might have stopped her headlong dive into that dizzying state .
7 She was just on the point of leaving for London when her brother phoned to say that their mother was dying .
8 She was just inside the workshop doors with the fertiliser shed behind her , stacked to the roof with one-tonne sacks .
9 You see one , was close to the woodlands and in fact missed , she was just in the bottom of the field , and she 's sure to get the bird .
10 She was just in the middle of doing her hair when she heard a light tap at the door , followed by the sound of Candy 's voice .
11 She was just like a movie star .
12 She was just like an automated programmed doll , oh god .
13 She was also by the Mavesyn sire .
14 Scott knew that Annabel was now facing the worst moment any model can face : she was officially over the hill , gaining weight , losing her looks and on the downward path to wrinkles and sag .
15 Our carriage was at the front of the train so that when she got out she was right at the end of the platform beyond the canopy with its wooden fretwork coping , in the middle of fields .
16 She was right at the end when , without warning , she ran full tilt into the arms of the waiting figure .
17 The best man was driving them to the airport for their flight to Greece , and Ellie made sure she was right in the middle of the crowd as they all surged down the front path to wish them bon voyage .
18 In appearance she was rather like a gipsy , and her quick , eager speech had a slightly foreign intonation .
19 She thought she was rather like a mother , making sure a child had eaten before going off to school , did not scruple to say , " Are you sure you 've had enough ?
20 She was rather like an injured animal , wanting to lick her wounds in peace and privacy .
21 She was either on the level or a damn good actress .
22 It was a coincidence she was here at the moment the child turned on to the street .
23 Carole was well ; what was more to the point she was here at the conference , ‘ a queen bee ’ of the local Tories — Chairman of the Forest of Arden Women 's Association .
24 She was here on a mission , and the sooner she set out on it the better !
25 She really must put Maria Luisa and Steve and Fernando out of her mind and concentrate on what she was here on the island of Majorca for — to work .
26 She wondered whether the doctor imagined that because she was here without a man she had n't got one .
27 Dorothy explained that they had n't given her any money ; she was here as a reporter for a journal whose name they knew ; her membership of the feminist abortion campaign to which PopCon had just made a large grant was irrelevant to the present discussion ; she was just doing her job .
28 But she was here for a little while now , and would be coming back in mid-April to get Luxembourg on .
29 She was here for the taking , was n't she ?
30 She was here in the flesh to oblige Miss Beard , but her mind was filled to the brim with Joss Barnet .
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