Example sentences of "she was not [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had looked at the first lines but now she was n't reading any of it .
2 She was n't looking well .
3 Daisy wished just for once that Drew could see her when she was n't looking awful .
4 She was so preoccupied with what had happened that she was n't taking any notice of anything as she opened the door and went into her room .
5 The man looked dangerous , and with just the two of them in this house , with no one around within screaming distance , she was n't taking any chances .
6 There was no answer , but then , she was n't expecting any .
7 She was n't bleeding any more , but there were huge scabs on her face , chest and back .
8 Her tone was one of friendly and candid interest , but she was n't getting many bites , either .
9 One day Mina was taken to the spirit medium because she was n't getting pregnant .
10 ‘ Rosie was still unable to latch on to the breast properly , and I was quite sure she was n't getting enough milk . ’
11 She was n't getting any younger .
12 The way I see it , Mum knew all along she was n't getting any better .
13 Peter Noonan has been patiently waiting in the wings for six years , and finally , whether it was seeing Terry so happy , realising that she was n't getting any younger , or the fact that I told her I was thinking of getting married , sh — ’
14 I hoped she was n't getting sleepy ; the drone of the wee Citroen 's engine was cataleptically monotonous .
15 She was n't calling any more .
16 In a long conversation to another close friend near the end of June , Antonia said she was upset and worried she was n't seeing enough of her Minister .
17 She was n't hallucinating any more , she knew .
18 She was n't risking that kind of insanity a second time .
19 For reasons of her own , she was n't doing that .
20 She was n't Iying dead in a field — mugged — raped .
21 cos I 'd hate to think she was n't having that little flutter
22 But she was n't having any of that .
23 Ivy was the first to reach her walls , unlike little Virginia she was n't having any nonsense from the proud house .
24 She told me she was n't having any .
25 But she was n't feeling easy with him now , and as he pushed an easy-chair closer to her couch , and sat down opposite her , she had the uncanniest feeling that he was n't going to let her out of the room until she had told him every last bit of what there was to tell .
26 ‘ She tells me she was n't feeling well .
27 She 'd planned to telephone Mrs Trotter , who organized everything , and explain that she was n't feeling well .
28 Suddenly , she was n't smiling any more .
29 She was n't showing much dress sense last night , ’ he said over his shoulder to me .
30 She was n't making many unforced errors . ’
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