Example sentences of "she was [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At first , she was my running idol and then , when I got to know her , I realised how nice she was as a person as well .
2 The cancer had spread from the breast to various other areas including the bones and she was as a result suffering considerable pain which was not controlled by pain-killers .
3 Stephanie did not like cut glass : she was of the generation that discovered the plain , the functional , the Finnish , Dartington .
4 She gave me the names of all her friends and said how proud she was of the life her father had given her .
5 She was of the opinion there was more to the girl than might reasonably be expected .
6 Far from being tempted to explain anything then , she was of the view that she 'd see him in hell first .
7 Fergus had divined how afraid she was of the doll-mask and had dealt with it in his own way , daring her to let it all hang out , quoting Yeats at her in his Irish voice .
8 ‘ … poor , almost illiterate … her pride was that she was of the Clanranald .
9 Remorse and pain clutched at her , almost taking her breath away , and Jenna spun round and took to her heels , taking Alain by surprise so that she was through the door and down the stairs before he caught her .
10 She was through the door and out into the courtyard within seconds but Ana had already gone and all Maggie could do was follow .
11 He plunged back into his work , forgetting about her before she was through the door .
12 The catamaran shook its bows against the swell , then she was through the wind and on to the other tack with the sails drawing sweetly .
13 Yeah , she was over the moon with it though , was n't she ?
14 She was over the moon with it
15 She was over the moon .
16 Samson yowled , let go , and she was over the back of the counter crouching down , pushing and wriggling through stinking legs and skirts that reeked of an unwashed lifetime .
17 She played those games — anything to keep the girls children as long as possible and not face up to the fact that she was over the hill .
18 She was under a duty to use the money to pay the gas bills ( cf. Hall , where the accused was not under a duty to use that money for that holiday ) .
19 The Court of Appeal held that she had acquired something by mistake and she was under a duty to make restoration .
20 She was under the shower , however , when she thought that , fingers crossed , perhaps there were n't too many garages in , say , a ten-mile radius of Františkovy Láznë .
21 ( 1 ) Although she was under the influence of the painkilling pethidine , she had not lost her mental faculties and she was sufficiently alert , though tired , to be able to understand the questions asked of her and to answer them comprehensively and comprehendingly .
22 So she was under the sea ; this was green water around her , not air .
23 She was under the impression that Charles had put the kibosh on any exclusive agreement with Barton , and most certainly nothing had been said about her writing her life story .
24 and she went across the road for something and while she was across the road Mrs came and was talking to that man .
25 Half an hour later , driven by a resolve almost beyond her comprehension , she was across the lake , informing Tilly that it had become necessary for her to take up more permanent residence at the Lodge .
26 She was across the room in seconds , hugging them both , emotional tears making her eyes shine .
27 Soon she was off the road , clambering over the hummocks of Starr Hills .
28 I thought she was off the case as well . ’
29 He lay with her for a little while as if all had been for the best and when , with a sudden , slithering movement , she was off the bed and into her dress , he thanked her , wished her good night .
30 And now here she was outside the gate used only by the laundresses .
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