Example sentences of "she was [verb] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was transferred from home to a private rehabilitation centre , but she was not happy there because she had little privacy , and her family could not travel to see her every day .
2 Within moments of setting off , she was lost from view , swallowed up in the white mist .
3 She was grinning from ear to ear , her eyes sparkling in excited anticipation , like a child watching magicians at a carnival .
4 Maxim looked back expressionless knowing she was babbling from nervousness knowing his own stolid attitude was nervousness too .
5 HEN Jo was born a friend said she was sent from heaven .
6 She was waving to us , her face very serious ; we turned into the road and she was gone from view .
7 When she finally left him to go upstairs her heart was overflowing , and she was beaming from ear to ear .
8 By the time they finally arrived in the deserted car park behind the arcade she was trembling from head to foot , racked by every emotion from fear to rage .
9 She was trembling from head to foot .
10 She was painted from head to foot in red .
11 She met him emerging from their tall block of apartments as she was returning from work on the Friday evening , having stopped to buy groceries on the way home , her mind flying ahead to Luke 's arrival and all that she planned to say to him now that she had made up her mind to end their affair .
12 Only her head was free to move by now and this she was tossing from side to side , her eyes rolling in panic , while her fear was further expressed in snorts and whimpers .
13 She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped .
14 An industrial tribunal heard that Michelle Mawdsley , 24 , was signed off work by her doctor because she was suffering from depression after her sister lost the babies she was carrying for her .
15 She was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine and was in a special bed ; accordingly , a motor ambulance would be required .
16 Mostly she wrote about her feelings about her body and her recent acknowledgement to herself that she was suffering from anorexia .
17 At that time she was suffering from anorexia nervosa , a slimming disease , which friends believe was triggered by the collapse of her love affair .
18 When actress Leslie Ash was pregnant she was told she was suffering from toxoplasmosis and that her baby was in danger .
19 She told Relate officials that she was suffering from flu and had lost her voice .
20 When Pat came to me in the autumn of 1989 she was suffering from osteoarthritis of the neck and spine with accompanying raised blood pressure .
21 She was suffering from sunstroke and she died within a short time .
22 Anne who took full responsibility for the care of her husband , David , who had suffered a stroke , needed a rest for a couple of days a week as she was suffering from arthritis .
23 She was expelled from school for being a ‘ bad influence ’ , joined a heavy metal band and at one stage worked as a Bunny Girl for her father 's biggest rival , Playboy chief Hugh Heffner .
24 She was expelled from school , ’ said my mother .
25 She was reading aloud , a man holding a boom mike was registering her voice ; she was declaiming from Soul on Ice :
26 She was swathed from neck to knee in what appeared to be a ‘ coat ’ of many colours .
27 Robyn let out a deep sigh and realised that she was shaking from head to foot .
28 She was shaking from head to toe , her heart thumping wildly .
29 She was passed from hand to hand .
30 And if she was missing from home why were n't her family moving heaven and earth to get her back ?
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