Example sentences of "she had [vb pp] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 If she had planned it the blow could not have been more accurate .
2 She left Philip to his labours , thinking that this time she had given him the money for the materials but none for his labour .
3 At this point the GP had felt that she could no longer help him , and she had given him the number of a marital counsellor .
4 His hand toyed mercilessly with her breasts , as if he had the right ; perhaps she had given him the right ; as if he owned her and she existed solely for his capricious use .
5 She glared at me , dug beneath her cloak and pushed a purse ( much leaner than the one she had given me the night before ) into my hand .
6 ‘ If she had seen you the night of the Giants she might have thought differently , ’ Ratagan said gently .
7 She wondered about the bruise on his cheek : she had noticed it the evening before when he came back from his Tuesday round .
8 And ever since she had realized who the Doyle boy reminded her of , she had thought she knew what kind of thing was wrong .
9 She inched back against the wall , part of her wanting to find some private place , yet knowing she would not — could not — move from this spot until she had read what the paper had to say .
10 She had learned it the hard way and she never let her guard slip at all .
11 In these matters Emilia Frere knew more than she , for the woman had crossed the threshold of the married state ; she had delivered herself over to the meeting of the flesh as Louisa had not been called upon to do ; she had experienced what the uninitiate could only surmise .
12 For months , back home in Melbourne , she had wondered what The Big City on the other side of the world would look like .
13 She was in a mindless world where she had forgotten everything about why he was there , mindless that not half an hour ago she had thought him the most hateful of men when , abruptly , shatteringly , he suddenly stilled .
14 She had told me the tunnels had now been connected up and the workmen used the subway constantly as a private short cut .
15 But I was not sure that she had told me the whole truth .
16 Then he smiled , and it was as it she had told him the best news there was to tell ; and when she thought about it , she supposed that she had .
17 She had told him the truth , she discovered , staring at the polished beauty of his shoulder .
18 She had left herself the early part of the evening free , and she had just finished dressing when Florian and Nicky dropped in to show her some new photos of the fair South African child who went by the name of Joni Jones , Florian having insisted on the first and the name with which he had replaced his original , paradoxically both more and less ordinary name , having been legalised in both countries whose passports he held , the United Kingdom and South Africa .
19 The Concorde ticket to New York was where she had left it the night before .
20 Early in their walk she had handed him the usual tenpenny piece , and now she heard a faint tinkle and watched while he stuck his candle in the socket , and reached for the matches in their brass holder .
21 When he returned , bearing a brand new dress in a rich burgundy shade , she had shown him the blue one .
22 She had shown him the book where it was illustrated .
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