Example sentences of "she had [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Al was the Yank she had during the war .
2 Mary told him how she had taken provisions to Granny Fordham , then seen the deer in the back of the car , and been chased , and finally how she had cross the marsh to reach the keeper before the raiders got away .
3 ‘ Poor thing , ’ she might have said another time , but now any sympathy she had for the machine was swamped by her fears for her children .
4 She had offered a substantial reward for information which led to the capture of either of them , and had used what contacts she had with the London constabulary to have them both placed on their wanted lists — officially they were sought in connection with the " murderous attack " on two of her employees .
5 She glanced downwards , just exactly as she had on the day I 'd come for the room .
6 Today police released a photograph of Carol wearing the same jacket she had on the night she dissapeared .
7 What a funny , pretty voice she had on the telephone .
8 ‘ Maybe she had on the apron because she was cooking , Carlie . ’
9 The two strangers flanked Dorothy , making her wonder , as she had at the PopCon building , whether she could get away .
10 She liked her boss a lot more now than she had at the beginning of their relationship .
11 She had at the back of her mind the thought that some new male companion might figure in it .
12 Mrs Thatcher expressed confidence that she would win and declared again , as she had at the outset , that even if she did not win outright she would continue to a second ballot no matter how narrow the margin of her majority over Heseltine .
13 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
14 The one that she had at the pool she threw on the swimming pool floor in disgust cos I put her back in the carrycot thing Yeah Ev Evelyn was saying oh will I , she said will you see me back er she said will I see you back in in the twos group ?
15 When they did converse , she said little and mostly listened ; it had only recently struck Angelica that she knew almost nothing more about Alina now than she had at the end of that first day .
16 She was n't going to risk annoying them as she had about the color of the paint .
17 She wondered how much control she had over the chauffeur .
18 She had from the beginning an immunity to other people 's opinion of her , which is n't a characteristic that is much liked in women .
19 He would go on sleeping badly , and opening people 's luggage , and given great luck he would even keep on living with Sam , though it was difficult to imagine that she would seriously consent to give up such a trophy , however little genuine pleasure she had from the child .
20 But now she could see the charm , could read the meaning , of the observer 's role , a meaning inaccessible to a sixteen-year-old , to a thirty-year-old — for the observer was not , as she had from the vantage , the disadvantage of childhood supposed , charged with an envious and impotent malice , and consumed with a fear of imminent death : no , the observer was filled and informed with a quick and lively and long-established interest in all those that passed before , in all those that moved and circled and wheeled around , was filled with intimate connections and loving memories and hopes and concerns and prospects .
21 She had by the hand the Vicar 's son .
22 When rights of conquest or hereditary rights had placed two or more territories under a medieval ruler , he was quite accustomed to finding that they were ruled under different constitutions and he would not think of trying to impose a uniform system of government on them ; Queen Elizabeth had rights and duties in England that were rather different from the rights and duties she had in the Channel Islands , which were all that was left of William the Conqueror 's Norman territories , and it was perfectly natural for each new English acquisition overseas to be won on terms that differed from what had happened previously .
23 No doubt the jury would have been interested to hear that the victim had convictions for offences of dishonesty , and conceivably even more impressed ( though in law they would be wrong to be ) to learn that she had in the past tried to stab a policeman .
24 She had in the past been supportive , and Grunte marked his card 15/20 for loyalty .
25 She had got herself all hot and bothered and she felt much safer in the water than she had in the barn .
26 Judi looked better than she had in the morgue .
27 She wondered again , as she had in the night , why fate had sent this particular man to her .
28 With Miss Poraway chattering beside her , she reflected upon all this and recalled , as she had in the night , the course of her virginal marriage .
29 Mrs Knight said Bruce 's daughter joined him in the house and cleared out a bureau which she had in the bedroom .
30 He said , ‘ Perhaps I have a salvation too , ’ and his voice was so low and his look so piercing that she felt a sudden clutch of fear , just as she had in the studio .
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