Example sentences of "she make for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She made for the wood .
2 She made for the door , but decided instead to sit down on a chair .
3 Mr Piggott found himself quite dazzled by the warmth of her smile as she made for the door , and was unable to speak .
4 He stood up at the same time as she did , and caught her as she made for the door .
5 Clutching her stick as if it were an offensive weapon , she made for the door .
6 She made for the door , but as perforce she had to pass him he put out a hand and caught her by the wrist .
7 So , hoisting her bag over her shoulder with an element of pride that for a brief moment made her lose sight of how important it was to try and pin him down for an interview , she made for the door .
8 She made for the stand where her umbrella was kept .
9 So she made for the orchard first .
10 The old woman lay in her hammock , sleeping ; it was a time when she had taken a heavy dose , and he was able to lead Ariel out and let her walk before him , now and then turning to make sure he was not about to do something to her , put a halter on her or hit her , and she made for the fence and pointed over it and asked him with her hands and eyes if she could go there , beyond the stockade , into the receding forest , where the bromeliads pushed out their stiff blades , and the monkeys nibbled at mango fruits and threw them down when they were unripe with tiny rows of toothmarks like some sharp-fanged fairy child 's , where the birds of many colours screeched .
11 She made for the study door and he wanted to say , ‘ I would n't if I were you ; he 's in a tear about something , ’ but he knew that even if he did speak it would n't deter her .
12 She made for an armchair , knowing it would be wise to keep him at a distance , but she did n't reach it .
13 The silver water shatters under her feet , the child bounces as he rides on her breast , and she no longer hears Sycorax , only the pulse of the sea as it breaks in frills on the smooth and shiny sand , the splash of her stride and the drumming of her heart as she makes for the forest to the north , her back turned to the bay where the English ship rides at anchor , where the sea battle will take place .
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