Example sentences of "she make [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She made no reference to either Dieter 's recall or the coming week of golf in Antibes ; instead , in response to a question from Melissa , she gave an account of her visit to the sports centre the previous day and then encouraged Rose to talk about her experiences in the world of son et lumière .
2 She made no reference to last night or Maria Luisa .
3 In fact we turned up some gas shares on the way , but er and a bit of cash , but that was n't enough to pay the funeral accounts and she made no provision for paying any of the bills so I sold the gas shares towards paying the funeral account and then got shouted at by the er beneficiary children because I had n't consulted them about selling the gas shares and I said Well , they have to be sold because there 's bills to pay and there is no way of dealing with that .
4 She made no pretence of great musical knowledge and I had the satisfaction of describing to her the plot of L'Elisir d'Amore when no one else present in the Covent Garden box could remember it .
5 She made no pretence of hiding her eagerness , and he gave her a wry smile .
6 Although she made no effort to be heard , the night carried her voice just the same .
7 I remember how her country beginnings showed themselves then : she made no fuss about seeming to be lost , nor did she work herself up into a state as the aunts would have done , just stood there patiently and quietly while I untangled her and found the way ; and did not even grumble , although after that I let her decide where we should go , which was usually across a field near the sewage plant , and along a road near the gasworks .
8 She made no objection to his strange ways , his obsessive working habits were his own business , and she found nothing repugnant in his looks , his soiled clothes .
9 She made no distinction between callow youth and Cabinet Minister .
10 She made no mention of her disastrous trip to Brynteg , told him she 'd met someone else , and wished him good luck with deliberate finality when she said goodbye .
11 In 1979 Mrs Thatcher made election pledges to increase old age pensions in line with inflation and to ‘ protect ’ the National Health Service , although she made no commitments about other areas .
12 She made a plea to councillors representing the area to stick by their voters and ensure buses continue to serve the estate .
13 She made a pot of tea .
14 She made a pot of strong coffee , and reached for the envelope .
15 She put the card down , and pondered as she made a pot of tea .
16 Backing from under the bed , she made a dash for the door , twisting and ducking to avoid the out-stretched hand of the landlord 's wife .
17 Afraid she might give in quickly and completely if she stayed here any longer , she made a dash for the door .
18 But he 'd seen her hurt , she realised , for even as she made a dash for the door , he caught up with her and , to her astonishment , there was not a scrap of aggression in him as he groaned , ‘ Oh , lord , ’ and more astonishingly , he gently put his arms around her .
19 Growing bolder , she made a dash into the hollow of his mouth , and touched his teeth , played briefly with his tongue , before darting back out .
20 She made a mess of her life .
21 She made a noise with her mouth , of contrition maybe .
22 She made a noise like a laugh .
23 She made a grab for his arms and held them firmly away from her , but smiling lazily , and with consummate ease , he twisted his arms so that , this time , he had her own imprisoned in his grasp .
24 She made a grab for her shirt but Felipe took it from her and flung it into the back .
25 She made a grab for her wrap .
26 In 1697 she made a tour of the north and of Kent and in the following year she made her ‘ Great Journey to Newcastle and to Cornwall ’ .
27 If she made a success of the job it would mean a permanent saving in police manpower as well as a useful training for her .
28 She made a fool of me , Wayne , ’ he said .
29 The second one — the one she made a couple of weeks ago — i-s a bit more complicated , but not much .
30 I do n't think she did because she made a choice to be next to , she wanted to find out .
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