Example sentences of "she would have been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Back home she 'd have been in some nice comfortable clinic .
2 I mean what would have happened to us kids if if she 'd have been like him ?
3 She 'd have been like the Mercedes , another symbol of his wealth and authority .
4 But then she remembered Tony , and how grateful she would have been to anyone who had had the courage to give her a hint of his real nature …
5 She would have been at his mercy and she did n't suppose he had any such thing .
6 She would have been about your age , if she had lived . ’
7 She had her difficulties , too , or she would have been with him by this ; but she was as much the prisoner of circumstances as he , and could not well take ship until she had established a firm and safe regime for her young son .
8 That evening , though , their ragging had distressed her and but for Colonel Hope 's intervention , she would have been in tears .
9 Dorothy looked determined rather than festive ; she would have been in her forties at the time but already stood as though planted , like an elderly woman .
10 She knew , with a feeling of detachment , that she attracted quite a few stares herself , primarily from men , and that if she had not had André at her side she would have been in very real danger of having to concoct a few efficient exit lines .
11 I 'm sure sh you know she would have been in dire trouble er only for my mother having seen her limping that day , but that 's the sort of thing she would do .
12 If Kirsty had fallen ill once they were down in London she would have been forced to stay there until she 'd recovered — and then she would have been in serious trouble , not only with Jake but with the law as well .
13 Janet adds : ‘ Before the idea of the ‘ drop-in ’ centre , we would have been forced to admit the mother and she would have been in hospital for a few days .
14 Jane Starkie , she , she would have been in the frame had it not been for penalty points during the cross country course , for being a wee bit too slow .
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