Example sentences of "she would have [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After her death , he 'd moved out into one of the back rooms , and Aunt Ruth — although she supposed she 'd have to stop thinking of her in that way — had taken the other .
2 For now , she 'd have to leave Tunney to his own problems and go after Daine .
3 For once Miss Coldharbour had looked uncomfortable and said she 'd have to ask Canon Wheeler , from which Julia had inferred that they had hoped to get her for free .
4 If they did n't , it would mean she 'd have to get Ari out of Arcady and fast .
5 She 'd have to show Martin that though they would always be friends , her first loyalty lay with her husband .
6 Poor Ned , cruel with his jealousy , who had already made it clear to her that as soon as Captain Goldsborough went away again — as he surely would — to see to his interests in Antigua and Martinique , then she would have to give Ned exactly what he wanted .
7 The only problem there , though , since she would have to let Personnel at Vasey 's know where she had moved to , was that her employer would have no trouble in finding her at her new address either !
8 She would issue the new instructions regarding strangers and then she would have to see Mr Lee about a permanent bodyguard here in the house , someone who would blend in … a manservant .
9 ‘ If a woman wanted to maintain the right to come back into a job she would have to take part in in-service courses to keep up to date with changes in the working world . ’
10 Putting the paper to one side , Loretta told herself that she would have to put Hugh Puddephat out of her mind until Saturday .
11 However unpleasant she would find it , she would have to watch Eddie 's fatal accident , even if the thought made her feel ill .
12 She would have to ask Father Barnes .
13 Eva had pretended she would have to do office work until after lunch on the Sunday , when in fact she had wanted to have lunch out at a cafe with a girlfriend .
14 The Parminter tale was utterly scandalous and she would have to persuade Wilmot to skate around the libel laws if it were to get into print , but she kept these reservations to herself .
15 At that instant she chose the path of her own life , and understood that in time she would have to part company with her friend .
16 Fabia cut in only then comprehending that to get home by next Wednesday she would have to leave Mariánské Láznë at the latest by Tuesday — always supposing she had her car back , which was doubtful .
17 She would have to tell Andrew how little they could hope from Deer Forest , then or in future times .
18 He spat a bit as he spoke and Carrie dreaded the moment when she would have to shake hands and be spat at .
19 She was not a coward and she would have to meet Roger eventually .
20 She got out of the car , dreading the moment when she would have to meet Dana .
21 Also , she would have to find Daine .
22 The law would be taking its stately course and perhaps one day she would have to sign documents , but as yet there had been no word from France — even Marguerite had not written — and Jenna felt very much alone .
23 Jill wanted to get Bill a birthday present , so she went and found her piggy-bank ; she shook it , but there was no noise ; she would have to make Bill a present This example comes from work in artificial intelligence ( Charniak , 1972 ) which is concerned with the attempt to translate the significance of ordinary utterances into an explicit representation that might be used by a computer to produce " intelligent " responses .
24 She would have to make enquiries at once .
25 She would have to get Brian .
26 She supposed she would have to salute Charlie now .
27 To strike her now she would have to attack Rain first .
28 Many times after cooking and cleaning there , she would have to bring suitcases of washing back to our house in Taibach to get it ready for the next visit .
29 She occupied herself with studying a map on the opposite wall because she knew she would have to change trains at some point .
30 She would have to repay Luke , of course , but it had been a very kind thought .
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