Example sentences of "she have been [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Even more bizarre , she has been reciting the works of a French philosopher throughout the operation while a black stripper dances in the background .
2 She has been spreading the Comic Relief message since she went to see a Comic Relief project for homeless young people in London two years ago .
3 A hard-working Society member , for many years a member of the National Display Team and nore recently of the Surrey and Sussex team , she has been putting the latter through their paces for ‘ In the Pink ’ , the ball item first performed at last year 's Reunion .
4 When the same scene happens night after night , his mother realizes that she has been doing the wrong thing , so instead she puts him to bed no matter how long or hard he cries .
5 Sophia Tickell , Project Officer for the Andes , will return on April 19 from Bolivia , where she has been researching the impact of structural adjustment and other economic reforms encouraged by the World Bank and IMF .
6 One of Kylie 's entourage , an aide and friend , explained : ‘ She has been studying the Atlas carefully for nearly two months , before she is ready to step on a soap box or address meetings .
7 Eye to the crack in the door , Jezrael saw the girl 's own guilt palm the cuber as though she 'd been watching the security scanner all along .
8 Last night , standing on the deck of Devlin 's ketch as they rapidly approached the island , she 'd been thinking the same thing .
9 Evidence from police and forensic officers said Mrs Prescott looked as if she 'd been sewing the hem of a curtain , when she was shot at close range in the back of the head .
10 Virginia realised she 'd been gripping the steering-wheel unnecessarily tightly and consciously relaxed , forcing a laugh and wincing as the vibration worsened her headache .
11 Heaven knew she 'd been the subject of enough prurient curiosity in the few short weeks she 'd been running the club .
12 I 've been keeping my eye on her for a while , but it seems she 'd been returning the favour without my being aware of it . ’
13 Even when the results came through and the babies were exchanged in a dramatic midnight meeting , Marie found it difficult to believe that she had been nursing the wrong child .
14 Mrs de Crespigny ( ‘ Nora Champion de Crespigny is my full name ’ ) wrote to the effect that she had been passing the lounge at the time , and was a witness , if not to the actual assault , then to Mrs Wilikins 's evident distress .
15 This reminds me of the story about the old lady who boasted she had been wearing the same pair of stockings for twenty years — one year she knitted new feet on them and the next new legs !
16 She had been fastening the buttons at the shoulder of Thomas 's elephant-patterned pyjamas , but all sense of co-ordination suddenly seemed to vanish and her fingers fumbled in vain .
17 It was then Gedanken realized that all along she had been hearing the voices of the beetles over a loudspeaker .
18 She had been enjoying the evening at the Ritzy club in Streatham , south-west London .
19 Although he was horribly conscious of his filthy boots , he sought out the supervisor of the office cleaning company by which Mrs. Millings was employed , and explained that she was late only because she had been helping the police to investigate a river tragedy " like a good citizen " .
20 She had been watching the tumble-drier for ages and still her clothes were n't quite dry .
21 She had been watching the legion of black ants moving along the plain .
22 She had been dreading the question ever since its loss .
23 The reprieve had been so quick and sudden and she had been dreading the conversation so much …
24 For the past two days she had been dreading the proximity this trip would involve , but gradually , as the car wound its way along the narrow mountain roads , she could feel herself beginning to relax .
25 Ever since she had realised that he was the new officer she had been dreading the moment they would have to actually start working together .
26 She had been descending the stairs when she 'd slipped and had fallen down numerous steps .
27 Mrs Taylor said she had been urging the Government for months to make public a report by Mr Ponsford confirming the morale problems .
28 She had been trying the apartment since seven o'clock .
29 She had been expecting the news , because of her privileged position in the ‘ Petticoat Mafia ’ but it none-the-less visibly upset her .
30 She had been expecting the pool to be almost empty at that time of day and was surprised to see that there were about a dozen or so people in the water .
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