Example sentences of "she have [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Since then she has written to tell us of her first reply and we thought you 'd also be interested in some of the suggestions that came in , including Dee Murton 's account of the origin of these cardboard cones which was news to us .
2 THE Queen is so delighted with a bronze statuette of her at the Trooping the Colour by amateur sculptor Bob White , of Leeds , that she has asked to keep it .
3 Since more formal arrangements seem to be delayed , she has ventured to address you herself , one woman to another . ’
4 As a matter of fact , I rarely do , but she has begun to take it for granted .
5 This is enhanced when after all she has done to help her husband become king , she has to ask to see him .
6 Suddenly her daughter telephoned me and said , ‘ My mother asked if you could come as she has agreed to let you have those two things you wanted .
7 Since he married Vera — the one big mistake in his life — she has tried to force us apart , and keep him from his family .
8 She thinks she has learned to control it but the label sticks : ‘ Policemen still stop me in the street and say : ‘ Hello Janet , who have you hit today ? ’ ’ .
9 She has come to tell them about the opportunities which await them if they are prepared to make the long journey to Oregon .
10 ‘ They know what she has come to tell them . ’
11 Then slowly her sense of humour began to reassert itself and she was able to laugh , remembering the look of amazement on his handsome , hawklike face when she 'd threatened to report him for sexual harassment .
12 Culley wondered why she 'd decided to let him off the hook .
13 Once she 'd put the phone down on him the previous night she 'd regretted her skittish way with him , and , after a heart-to-heart with Marlin in which she 'd told him she wanted to go back to England , and he 'd replied that it would all seem different in the morning and why did n't she just take a pill and lie down , she 'd decided to call him back .
14 She 'd wanted to mother him .
15 It was almost as if he 'd reached out to clasp her hand in his plea for help , and she knew she 'd wanted to give him a lift .
16 She 'd wanted to press him to her and to stroke the thin , vulnerable nape of his neck .
17 If she 'd hoped to unnerve her the way she did Letty then she was wrong .
18 If she 'd hoped to insult him , she did n't succeed .
19 ‘ It said she hated having to give you up , she 'd hoped to keep you , but this way you 'd have more than she could ever give you , and she knew you 'd be loved , even as much as she loved you .
20 She 'd begun to guess he was probably dead too and they 'd forgotten to tell her , just like nobody told her straight when Baby died .
21 She 'd intended to tell him she wanted to open the safety-deposit box , but it occurred to her that he might put obstacles in her way .
22 She 'd agreed to meet him , though . ’
23 This was the first chance she 'd had to wear them ; last night things had been too fraught to think of dressing up , and now they were her only adornment .
24 I remember now Mrs Maybury grumbling because she 'd had to do it all herself .
25 Getting on to the remains of the top of the pod had been relatively straightforward , although Daak had tried to insist on being the last one out and she 'd had to threaten him with troopers ' oaths and a blaster to convince him that gallantry was inappropriate .
26 As Mary re-iterated to the police , she 'd had a job to wake her up out of a dead sleep that night , and when she did come to she just could n't take in what had happened : she did n't seem able to speak for ages and she 'd had to help her into her clothes .
27 There was another Zionist Congress in Vienna , and she 'd had to pass it up , because she was passing it up quite often herself then .
28 She 'd longed to hear him whisper that he loved her — but he had n't .
29 But would the pain of losing him be any the less simply because she 'd managed to hold him at bay ?
30 Alina was holding onto the door , because the six steps that she 'd taken to reach it had almost been enough to exhaust her ; Belov dusted off his hands and came over to her now , and he took her by the shoulders and turned her around and steered her back toward the bed that she 'd just left .
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