Example sentences of "she be [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 How difficult it was to try to keep her feet on the ground , when inside she felt as if she were poised on the brink of a wild and wonderful adventure .
2 And then the silence of the hillside was rent by a further sound , a high buzzing at first like a gigantic and enraged wasp , and then a roar and a rending of the air , so that Molly felt as though she were standing on the bridge of a warship and some huge Exocet missile was being hurled in her direction .
3 She felt as though she were standing on the edge of a great chasm , with him on the other side urging her to jump across to him .
4 she 's laying on the bottom going , but I did n't move her cos it
5 And Miss Rene 's retort was very sharp as she said , ‘ I 'll do that after she 's tried on the brown leghorn or the mink-coloured felt .
6 Yes I am the outcome of it all is that she 's waiting on the wall , getting piles and I 'm going to go down the shop with her .
7 She 's travelling on the same train as you , but do n't fall in love with her . ’
8 She 's going on the machine .
9 She 's lying on the bed , blowing smoke at the ceiling .
10 She 's slept so well for two nights , even though she 's sleeping on the floor of the hospital .
11 I I have n't contacted only from what who er Granville said so I picked up the communion the straight away and then I could n't and she 's coming on the or that Sunday the first
12 NOT only does the woman in the new Spennymoor town centre sculpture look like she 's sitting on the toilet , and the greyhound look like a ferret or a sausage , someone said but when they went to erect the blessed thing last week it did n't fit the space available .
13 By now , she 's sitting on the floor , thoroughly chatty .
14 Now she is standing on the edge of a deep bowl or crater , floored with the little rings across which the dragonriders are already strolling with a pendulum gait .
15 Nibbling at her lunchtime sandwiches , she is perched on the edge of a chair by a window overlooking Williamson Square , high in the Playhouse heavens .
16 The reason that the buyer selects a packet labelled , say , ‘ cocoa ’ from the shelf is that she wants cocoa and she is relying on the description ‘ cocoa ’ accurately to identify the packet and its contents .
17 He gave France stronger armed forces , insisted that she be respected on the world stage and believed that she must rely on her own resources for survival .
18 She was built on the Selina model , with several dirty-minded enlargements , the emphasis all on protuberance , convexity .
19 While in Athens she had got her hall-porter to place a successful bet for her on a horse called Beethoven , and I am sure she was acting on the best information that was to be had .
20 She was acting on the advice of her therapist in speaking thus .
21 Embarrassed both by her comments and by the expression on her face , Seb squeezed the hand she was resting on the cart in front of her .
22 Of course she was drinking on the sly , her and her precious friend …
23 ‘ Fred ’ as she was called on the circuit , played no less than 26 Federation and Wightman Cup rubbers for Britain , before directing her sporting talents , in a competitive sense , increasingly towards golf to which she had been introduced by her devoted husband Keith , himself a former leading British tennis junior .
24 She was featured on the back cover of the Spring edition of Assay .
25 Mother took books and crayons and accompanied Susan while she was seated on the lavatory , encouraging and talking to her about doing her ‘ poo ’ in it .
26 When she was seated on the sofa with a glass of brandy , he spoke .
27 She was seated on the Woolpack which was tied like a saddle to her Grey Horse .
28 So er , she phoned the corporation and she asked the man , to , to say she was leaving on the Saturday morning and were they , were they gon na come and er ba er what wi , er , bar up the windows ?
29 and then she was girning on the phone because
30 Do you wan na hear erm do you wan na hear Fiona singing ? she was singing on the mike , she was singing yeah really singing you know .
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