Example sentences of "she [was/were] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She was anxious not to make a noise , but even though her feet fell softly into the leaves strewing the path the wood was so still and silent that she really felt as if she were thudding through the wood .
2 Seated in the tube train , she felt as if she were thundering through the earth in a time-capsule , guided by a power greater than herself , without real roots or destination .
3 And she were living in the parks .
4 You know , what she were wearing in the book ?
5 She felt as though she were suffocating in the heat , as though it were stopping her nostrils , sealing her mouth , and when she tried to breathe it forced itself down into her stomach and made her heave .
6 When he stopped his work for tea , the prying landlady being out at the shops , he would try to arrange to meet her , either in the house or at the British Museum if she were going near the West End that day .
7 He was the man she loved , and she felt as if she were floating above the ground .
8 And then the silence of the hillside was rent by a further sound , a high buzzing at first like a gigantic and enraged wasp , and then a roar and a rending of the air , so that Molly felt as though she were standing on the bridge of a warship and some huge Exocet missile was being hurled in her direction .
9 She felt as though she were standing on the edge of a great chasm , with him on the other side urging her to jump across to him .
10 And she felt , though comfortable in bed , as if she were standing with the rain sluicing all over her , streaming soothing over her breasts and down her thighs , warm and comforting and she hoped that he was not in difficulties on the road and that he was thinking about the rain .
11 When I got outside I found Mum in the yard , waving her arms about and giving directions to the neighbours whom she was organising for the party .
12 However I know that one Christian friend has given up the therapy because of the amount of occult literature and New Age material she was receiving through the post .
13 She was reaching for the glasses already .
14 And if he 's out — ’ she was reaching for the handkerchief in her apron pocket — ‘ I want to know where he is .
15 Thirty minutes later she was drowning in the river Severn at Stonebench in Gloucestershire Bristol Crown court was told .
16 They had returned to the Operations Room , where Bernice was surprised to hear Ace 's voice — as far as anyone knew she was recovering with the rest of her party on Moloch — and even more surprised to hear it raised in anger and directed at — of all people — the Doctor .
17 It took a couple of seconds to sink in , then she was struggling into the boiler suit , using language , under her breath , which would have made treble word scores in Rude Scrabble .
18 All aboard and she was nodding in the sardine swelter on seats so narrow you could lose your virtue and never miss it .
19 Ten minutes later in the gymnasium downstairs Lee reflected that if she threw one of the dumb-bells she was using at the wall-sized mirror and it shattered into a hundred pieces around a central trauma , she would wake herself up and everybody around her and get into the local papers .
20 She dropped the bowl that she was using to the floor .
21 P.C. Clifford , the driver of the car , got her name and address and a statement from her , though it does n't amount to anything more than that she was looking over the bridge and saw the body .
22 Once extended her own eye was pressed to the lens of the telescope that was herself ( was it her own eye 's lens she was looking through the wrong way ? ) and she saw herself at the other end .
23 Over his shoulder she was looking at the derelict house .
24 During the few moments in which she paused in her ascent to the church she reflected that now she was looking at the view the other way round ; now she was in one of the overcrowded little alleys visible from San Martino as merely a crack in a vast expanse of roof tiles and crumbling masonry and noticeable from that lofty vantage point because of the fluttering of the washing hung out on poles over the street to dry .
25 Oh , dear me ! ’ — she was looking at the casserole dish — ‘ stewed mutton and dumplings .
26 She was looking at the gentleman , and he was looking at her now and as he inclined his head he said , ‘ Thank you for your service . ’
27 For the first time in her life she felt as if the veil had been stripped from her idol and she was looking at the real person who hid away inside a beautiful body , seeing her through the eyes of others who had no family love for her to colour what they saw .
28 Harriet glanced at Meredith and saw that she was looking at the picture .
29 ‘ Passed up a couple of total certs to come to your bloody bun-fight , ’ she complained , though she was looking at the poor child all the time , with her eyes half-closed and tossing her head so the sockets would catch the light .
30 While she was looking at the pictures , Griselda , Anna 's mother 's cat , came in and jumped on to the cat woman 's lap .
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