Example sentences of "she [was/were] [vb pp] up with " in BNC.

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1 She was hung up with a rope round her neck .
2 The war came , she was swept up with many others by the Germans and ended up in Ravensbrück concentration camp .
3 She was glad to reach the door of the Seven Stars where she could rest the bag , though she was screwed up with fear that Garty might pop out of some alley , or Samson erupt like a volcano from the bowels of the tavern .
4 She was fed up with the factory-style working conditions involved in producing a day-in-day-out series .
5 But yesterday , possums , Dame Edna Everage revealed that she was fed up with rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous .
6 She had told him she was fed up with plays about love — which she spelled out ‘ l-u-v ’ as if she were saying ‘ b-e-d ’ to another grown-up in front of a child who might be going to throw a tantrum — and that she wanted to hear about some public issues for a change .
7 She was fed up with the carry-on . "
8 She was fed up with her life in London , a whirlwind of social engagements which recently had seemed unbearably shallow , and more to the point she needed time to put her engagement to Jonathan , or rather her decision to break it off , into perspective .
9 It was what was in her immediate life she was fed up with — anything distant or in the past could bring out her interest .
10 A BUS manager who was forced to give up a rural route said yesterday she was fed up with the whole business .
11 But last night Pauline Dale , of Newtown Coaches , said she was fed up with passengers continually ‘ sticking the knife in ’ .
12 She was brought up with her brother , now 14 , and younger sisters now aged nine , three and nine months .
13 She was brought up with her grandmother
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