Example sentences of "she [was/were] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 So what I did is I writ thirty plus thirty four , adding up to sixty four and she jumped up and she 's grabbing thing off table and she had hold of the screwdriver and I says to Linda thought she was gon na stab me with screwdriver and she were n't , she were looking for a pencil so she could rub it out , well she could n't and she found this pencil and she scribbled thirty four out .
2 So she jumped up , grabbed the pencil and everything , she got a screwdriver first , I thought she were gon na stab me with screwdriver and she were looking for a pencil
3 She was joined for a short time by another dancer back from war service , Alan Carter .
4 She was treated for a cut on her head but the injury was not serious and she is continuing her holiday in Cyprus .
5 Precisely who it was she was using for a role model became clear as a middle-aged lady , admirably slim in well-cut jodhpurs , erupted from some inner fortress to enquire , in tones that carried effortlessly across the yard , precisely why Caroline had failed to run up her stirrups , how long had she been riding ?
6 So basically she was looking for a job .
7 She had announced that she would stay in Paris until October , but by October she was looking for a new place to rent , now deeply involved with Modi and unable to leave .
8 My wife , Joyce also came close and peered , but in her case I believe she was looking for a miracle .
9 She grew up associating ‘ love ’ with an emotional roller-coaster , and although she was looking for a long-term partner , Deborah quickly became bored and dissatisfied in a stable relationship .
10 Having signed on and said that she was looking for a job as a research scientist , she was advised that she should think again .
11 Well you obviously , she was looking for a spec a gentleman within a certain age range .
12 She was looking for a pensioner but , you were n't in the right street .
13 The thieves cut her telephone wires and took the money she was saving for a cooker .
14 Rain thought she was trying for a dramatic effect , but she was a poor actress and the result was that she looked petulant .
15 She was gone for a quarter of an hour , then , like a ghost , she reappeared in the downstairs room and sat down .
16 Singled out from the dogs ' home Sorrel knew she was destined for a special life .
17 Michelle has an abundance of waist-length hair and although she was prepared for a radical cut , Patrick recommended keeping the length but blunt-cutting it to a clean , straight line : ‘ You do n't have to have mountains cut off to look different , ’ he said .
18 She was listening for a new noise , the noise she thought she 'd heard on the way out to Chateaubriand : the irregular tapping of the axis lock crystal , jumping in its housing .
19 I do n't think she was fooled for a minute by Werewolf 's professional decoy act , but she went along with it .
20 As she assumed her drunken pose and shambled towards the centre of the stage , she was deafened for a moment by the clapping and the shouting ; and different names came to her ears , all meant for her : ‘ Good old Lemon !
21 She breezed on by , presumably expecting him to follow ; she was heading for a side-entrance to the house that was reached through an overgrown kitchen garden .
22 Later in the morning we were able to confirm that she was heading for a port in Southern Ireland .
23 She was often offered lifts , but when she said , thank you , but she was going for a walk , a pitying expression spread over the faces of the drivers .
24 Lady Eleanor replied she was going for a walk behind the church . ’
25 And , oh I did n't tell you this either that she was going for a promotion !
26 She found she was bursting for a pee , but was determined not to repeat Estelle 's performance .
27 She was longing for a drink — some of her emergency ration of scotch — but she did not see how she could have one herself without also offering one to her visitor , something she had no intention of doing .
28 She was blamed for a crash which killed bride-to-be Teresa Power , 26 .
29 5 years ago she was fined for a breach of planning laws after years of complaints about noise .
30 Occasionally she was caught for a fraction of a second with images of a pig 's cot wall with a black cat on it or a square stone chapel silhouetted in Sunday dusk , but these were inconsequential visitations , debris from the past uncovered by the rhythms of a particular song or the set and angle of a passing face , a passing mood .
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