Example sentences of "she [vb mod] [not/n't] go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 But was that not what she wanted — for a voice outside the clamour of her own head to tell her that she need not go back , that she must not go back ?
2 Dane did n't own the fields ; there was no real reason why she should n't go out and play in the snow , too .
3 She could not go up , only down .
4 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
5 She could not go on , and Ernest 's face fell .
6 She took one step forward , then realized she could not go on .
7 She could not go back , because we had disposed of the business , along with her tools and much of her furniture , but not her fender , which would arrive at Hale-wood in due course .
8 Clearly she could not go out through a locked door — so where is she ? ’
9 She could n't go through with it .
10 Yeah probably I think she 'll always be like it though , cos her mum 's just the same , she 's just like her mum , you know her mum got in a strop every day because she could n't go round , down the
11 She could n't go up West with him !
12 ‘ If she married Mr. Gordon she 'd live at Longreen , so she could still be our Brown Owl , ’ argued Anita , ‘ but if she married somebody else and lived away she could n't go on being . ’
13 Furthermore , she was reaching the point when she knew she could n't go on working with Beatrice and the others , deceiving them with her wrong-doings .
14 That was one of the reasons she loved him , but she could n't go on doing it indefinitely — swearing that this time he had gone too far and it was the end and then having to console him .
15 She could n't go on .
16 Then she breathed , ‘ You see , I had to — to put all my energies into hating you because — because — ’ She could n't go on .
17 She could n't go on but instead made a vague gesture with her hands .
18 But she could n't go back now ; she had to go on .
19 But she was more tired than she knew , and soon she began to wish that she had a suitcase to sit on ; but hers was on the rack in that tightly packed carriage , and she could n't go back for it .
20 She could n't go back and face them all — not now , not when Marianne would have told them all about her criminal father , doubtless revelling in every sad little detail , probably creating a few more just to spice the story up still more .
21 Outside the sun burned down ; there was very little shade apart from the awning and she could n't go back , not with that thing hanging there .
22 She could n't go back into the house either .
23 When it came to the front door , she found she could n't go in .
24 but , then the next morning of course when Wendy got home she 'd been down my nephew 's looking after the kids for them and erm , and said we 've come to arrest you , and no , oh Rachael said oh mum there 's a police car pulled up outside , so she said , oh my god do n't tell me they 're wrong and it is Tracey , cos Tracey 's left home , she 's gone to live with her friend and erm , anyway , when Wendy got to the stairs she could n't go in , she could n't go any further and she said erm , when , when the policeman said Mrs I 've come to arrest you , she just about said Christ she said what have I done ?
25 Just because he was a policeman did n't mean she could n't go out with him , surely ?
26 ‘ Perhaps she 's crying because she could n't go out with Mrs Reed in the carriage this morning , ’ suggested Bessie .
27 She could n't go out and play with the other kids , she had to take him round for a walk
28 So she could n't go out to work cos she 'd got young girls to bring up so they went to the social and the social turned round and said to them before we give you any money you 've got ta spend all this bloody redundancy you 've got ta have used all your savings , including the kids savings , and you 've got ta have nothing !
29 She need n't go on making him feel guilty .
30 But was that not what she wanted — for a voice outside the clamour of her own head to tell her that she need not go back , that she must not go back ?
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