Example sentences of "she [vb mod] [verb] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , she may seem like that now , ’ said Kraal one evening , ‘ but you wait till the autumn comes and the swifts and swallows start flocking before they begin their winter migration .
2 she must think about that a lot .
3 She wanted him but could n't have him and she must deal with that because he had forewarned her .
4 But for John Knox , ‘ so she was sold to go to France , to the end that in her youth she should drink of that liquor ( the Catholic faith ) that should remain with her all her lifetime , for a plague to this realm and for her final destruction ’ .
5 It was inevitable that she should start like that but it did n't save her from a sense of her inadequacy .
6 Then Rosie burst out with the helpful statement that she had a photograph of the keys and if Ruby 's powers were very strong she might manage with that .
7 She 'll see to that … ’
8 For it had come , and perhaps , but only perhaps , she could build on that .
9 There was nothing she could do about that , but she could give the ring back and that would show what she thought of him !
10 Her teeth were quite large , but there was not much she could do about that now .
11 Her heightened condition persisted , there was nothing she could do about that : the swerves of mood , the burning senses .
12 In the meantime her mother would worry , but there was nothing she could do about that at the moment .
13 She had been afraid that his suggestion , when it came , would have been too fraught with the unknown his room , perhaps , or else , God knows , a naked nightclub but as for the cinema , she could cope with that .
14 She could cope with that , whereas his icy controlled quietness petrified her .
15 With his assistance she could return to that blessed , wondrous world of — when had it been ? — an hour ago , before disaster had fallen upon her , when she had been blissfully on her way to pin Miss Dallam into the dress that would make both their reputations in Frizingley for elegance .
16 Though before she could speculate on that point , Lubor , entirely unaware that his employer had passed them , was turning to state , ‘ You are even more beautiful with your face washed with rain . ’
17 Perhaps it was just a fluke , perhaps she could sing like that once , and then the voice would tire .
18 But she had n't let the kidnapper in , she could swear to that because , having pressed the switch , she always put her head out to see who was coming in since there was n't a housephone .
19 From time to time that evening she was visited by the sight of the lake with its gold fretwork of fish ; she wondered how many years it would be before she could go to that place with equanimity .
20 She took a step backwards , which was about as far as she could go in that hallway .
21 It was clear that Miss Morgan 's brain had been fully engaged on what she was doing , which was pushing a client 's interest , and that such attention as she could spare from that had been centred on her forthcoming marriage .
22 Searching through her mind the only emotions she could recreate from that time were a dizzying pleasure that someone as sophisticated , cosmopolitan , successful and confident as Doctor Anthony Gillingham should appear to want anyone as dull and provincial as she had been and a kind of a triumph that she could present Comfort with Anthony 's declaration of love .
23 There were other confusions — he was vain , she could smile at that , and yet many times he seemed unaware of the effect his strong presence could have on others .
24 And although she was n't stupid enough to know that he would n't catch up with her eventually , when his role as host was over , if not before , she had high hopes that she could escape before that eventuality .
25 She could live with that , and fight back .
26 It took a long time before she 'd sit in that chair .
27 She might be angry afterwards and certainly she 'd be terrified in case he 'd made her pregnant , but she 'd get over that .
28 She 'd deal with that in the morning .
29 Long ago , when she was very young , yes , in those days she used to wave like that .
30 And then on , at the back , there 's a little cottage near the start there she used to live in that little cottage .
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