Example sentences of "she [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She was pleased at the distinction , and amused , as she told me , that twice she had been decorated by a Labour government ; she almost felt she ought to vote for them !
2 No wonder she feels she ought to hold onto it , especially since she 's also uncertain whether the bike remains hers while someone borrows it .
3 After what Jeff had told her about Guido Falcone , the only feelings she ought to have for him were disapproval and dislike .
4 And it is our judgment that you can and should pay at once a portion of Mistress Hussey 's dowry , so that her maintenance may be assured , and she may return to her father 's house from this court , as is her wish .
5 There 's a small chance she may recover from it with just the supportive treatment , now the cause of the disease has been eliminated , but if she does n't she 'll be in line for a bone marrow transplant .
6 she may go in his lecture , she 'll meet him .
7 For all practical purposes at this stage sir she may appear to you to be a fit and proper person I 've no doubt the Licensing Committee will want to know a lot more about the situation sir .
8 ‘ I do n't think Laura is aware of racial prejudice yet , ’ says John , ‘ although she may come across it in the future .
9 So she knows she may hear from you I am copying this letter to .
10 To win him , she must hope for his defeat and long for his humiliation .
11 ‘ And you must be grateful to her for everything she does , and for all the sacrifices she must make on your behalf .
12 She must think of something else to do .
13 ‘ I 'm sure your wrong , ’ said Anna , but she remembered how Maria Jakob had said that if the money was not forthcoming she must think of something else , a way to make up to her for Melusina 's death , and she had not meant a donation to the Cats ' Protection League .
14 She insists that she must speak to you . ’
15 Well , they could wait ; she must go through it thoroughly first .
16 Whatever the risk , she must go to him and tell him to go back .
17 With a sickening lurch of the heart she realized that unless she freed her tortured hand , she must go with it .
18 It was a moment of magic that she must cherish for it would never come again .
19 But Gudrun 's admiration for Breadalby is grudging , perhaps because it is still in private hands : ‘ she spoke with some resentment in her voice , as if she were captivated unwillingly , as if she must admire against her will ’ .
20 There were seven levels of spirituality , Hawk had told her , and she must ascend through them all before she was readied for her appointed task .
21 " Of course she must sit with us !
22 He gave France stronger armed forces , insisted that she be respected on the world stage and believed that she must rely on her own resources for survival .
23 She was unhappily aware of the picture she must present to him : her long bare legs as straight as a ramrod ; her spine curved downwards from her elevated buttocks ; and her seat raised so vulnerably .
24 Three visits from her husband had helped , perhaps ( the first in the small hours of the Sunday morning , two hours after his release from custody ) , but some slight complications had arisen with continued internal bleeding , and she had become deeply and embarrassingly conscious of how she must appear to everyone whenever she smiled .
25 When he had gone , Tess felt again how stupid she must appear to him .
26 Where a woman fails to perform her expected role properly the GP tends to see her ‘ either in terms of the conventional models of their own social background ( she must adjust to her situation ) , or in terms of individual personal inadequacy ( that she must be referred to the psychiatrist ) ’ ( Barrett and Roberts , 1978 , p. 46 ) .
27 Some power she must hold over him .
28 She saw ‘ horrible sights and abominable , priests , heathen and Christian ’ , showing her their genitals , and the devil told her she must fornicate with them all .
29 She must submit to its ordeals .
30 She must persevere with him .
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