Example sentences of "she [vb past] him [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He was offering her an out and she respected him for that .
2 There is no lasting acrimony between Gedge and Rigby and when they meet up he often jokes that she provided him with enough material to launch and sustain a musical career .
3 She phoned him at all hours of the day and night , ranting sometimes , crying others .
4 And now she caught him in another gesture , but a surreptitious one this time — the quick shooting of a cuff to glance at his watch .
5 Dressed soberly in a long-sleeved , ankle-length tunic which , though cut loosely , came high up to her neck , she approached him with both hands extended in greeting .
6 Her voice and the rattle of pots faded away into the house , and he heard , close to , Annie 's uncontrolled chortle as she approached him with some wicked intent .
7 Her head turned slightly towards him and she fixed him with that blind , unthinking stare .
8 She needled him with such venom from behind her thick lenses that Seb was visibly squashed .
9 She informed him of this conclusion , and with his usual calm he accepted it .
10 The truth was there in his eyes , and she hated him for that , too .
11 She blamed him for all this .
12 She thanked him for that as well .
13 Years later , she acknowledged the debt she owed him for those early lessons in self-determination .
14 It was strange how she loved him for that business with Tommaso so long ago , how she had such a feeling for the intricate conventions of the old code , and saw him as a man of honour , a duellist .
15 He began to kiss her fingers , one by one , and Meredith gazed helplessly at him , knowing she loved him with such a sudden , painful realisation that she groaned aloud .
16 She watched him for several moments , then looked about the large dining-room , trying to fathom the reason for his actions .
17 Leith yelled , and as fury which she just could not contain spiralled out of control , her right hand arced through the air , and even as she hit him with all her strength , she was still yelling , ‘ Since it seems to be taking so long to sink in , you can bank on it — whoever pays my mortgage , you 're far , far at the back of the queue ! ’
18 She rewarded him with such a beaming smile that he took the memory of it into the surgery with him , where it stayed all morning , brightening the day for him .
19 Beth was convinced that Matthew would run away if she took him from this house , then what would become of him ?
20 She saw him in all his beauty , grace and arrogance — physically the most nearly perfect human being she had ever seen .
21 Deeply suspicious of his motives , she treated him with all the most obvious display of distrust of which she was capable , but her efforts seemed to leave him cold , so she decided there was only one course left open to her .
22 I could n't help thinking she was like a racehorse , and when Ward started questioning her , she answered him with such haughty condescension , such arrogance , that his face went white and I swear he 'd have play-acted the Gorbals slum kid and thrown a lot of four-letter words at her if he 'd known how to do it in Spanish .
23 Was n't it about time she put him through some of the agony he 'd caused her ?
24 She liked him for that .
25 He spoke bitterly of the way she left him for another man , a student , when she was 16 then humiliated him by giving intimate details of their affair to the press .
26 ‘ Nature-lover , ’ he teased , and she knew then that she held him in some quite high regard .
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