Example sentences of "she [vb past] on [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Got on one tube and that broke down from the end of she 's at Liverpool Street then she had to go different end to Oxford Street , but she ended up in Charing Cross then she got on another tube line at Charing Cross and then that broke down , so she said it took hours , then she gave a taxi , had to get a taxi back to Oxford Street and , and from Oxford Street back to Waterloo and it 's four pound and he gave her a change for a tenner instead , and she gave him a twenty pound note but , you know she 's absolutely haggard , so I said it 's just as well she can have a cup of tea before she goes , I just told her briefly about that so , erm , Carla 's a bit late ai n't she ?
2 There is a local story that Queen Elizabeth spent a night here ; what is certain is that she passed on this road on her way from Burderop to Cirencester .
3 She concentrated on this problem so that she did not have to imagine the people themselves .
4 So she scored on that line .
5 Lance Percival was there to hear Ken look at Miss Sims as she arrived on that boundary between the action and the production .
6 But for some reason she forgot on this occasion and I did not stop to remind her .
7 Then she began on another tack .
8 ‘ Well , then your outraged mother leapt into the car which was loaded with our luggage because we intended to be off to Urbino that morning , and apparently she decided on some kind of hara-kiri or felo de se , a consummation of our marriage devoutly to be wished but never performed .
9 She brooded on this flower with a desiccating look .
10 But although she became pregnant several times , she miscarried on each occasion .
11 If she went on this way , you 'd be able to pick her up soon .
12 She put on some music while they ate and the conversation moved from the complexities of the dysfunctioning family to fertility rites to developing acting styles to the persistence of Aids to Harry Roy to the nature of joy to the repressiveness of English Fascism to the astrological outlook , and , finally to Lee , herself , to her tendency to withdraw from the group , but , ultimately , to her graciousness as their hostess and the deliciousness of her food .
13 She overdosed on some kind of speed . ’
14 We thank Ilana Machover , one of our qualified teachers , who is also qualified in the Alexander Technique , for the most interesting session she gave on this subject .
15 We thank Ilana Machover , one of our qualified teachers , who is also qualified in the Alexander Technique , for the most interesting session she gave on this subject .
16 Remember what she said on that video film when when he when she wanted to do it for too holidays .
17 Do you know when she left on that trip she left behind a list of about 28 things I was to do .
18 But she stayed on this balcony , her eyes on him , on this shape which fear had reduced to animal idiocy .
19 Timidly she tacked on another question that bothered her .
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