Example sentences of "she [vb past] [pers pn] into [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had a wife once , and she got me into trouble
2 And she leaned down towards the child , her thick arms going out and around her , and she lifted her into bed , saying softly , ‘ There now Is n't that nice and comfy ? ’
3 She welcomed him into bed , pressing herself tight against him , running her fingers through is great leonine mane and sending him signals to say that she was ready to do her duty as a wife .
4 But Bernard fainted so she took him into casualty .
5 Unwillingly she marshalled them into order , beginning with the moment when she and Stephen had stepped out of the French windows , apprehensive because Timothy Gedge was in the garden .
6 ‘ Think about nice things ! ’ she would say to Henry as she tucked him into bed at night .
7 Without any hesitation , she shot it into place .
8 There was a loud crunching of gears as she forced it into reverse again , then sent the car hurtling again into the now stationary Audi , shunting it several yards further back .
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