Example sentences of "she [vb past] [pn reflx] with the " in BNC.

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1 She consoled herself with the thought that Pet would have been dead before it happened .
2 She consoled herself with the fact that her daughter understood .
3 But though she had wished things might have been different , she consoled herself with the knowledge that it could come to nothing .
4 She remain uncertain still what was to be done with it , though she consoled herself with the thought that in entering the court of Le Grand Jeu and submitting to its verdict , she had already taken the first tentative steps .
5 As she acknowledged the formal expression of thanks for the information she had given , she consoled herself with the near-certainty that they knew most of it already .
6 She busied herself with the scissors , studying his hair intently .
7 Now she identified herself with the future , as freedom was breaking out everywhere , and Labour with the failed past .
8 She soothed herself with the thought that the small deception she was about to practise was not the only reason for her attack of nerves : her own college in London , housed in a nondescript modern block , had nothing at all in common with the medieval gateway in front of her .
9 She fanned herself with the hat .
10 Another time she cut herself with the serrated edge of a lemon slicer ; on yet another occasion , during a heated argument with Prince Charles , she picked up a penknife lying on his dressing table and cut her chest and her thighs .
11 As she stood barefoot on the cold boards , she comforted herself with the thought that soon it would be spring , daffodils would raise proud trumpets to nod in the soft breezes and in the fields beyond the town lambs would be born .
12 It was an ordeal for Beth to be used for this night after night , but she comforted herself with the knowledge that he truly loved her and was always both gentle and considerate .
13 Sometimes she exasperated herself with the stupid ideas she had .
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