Example sentences of "she [vb past] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 By 2.30am , Liz was feeling increasingly uncomfortable , though , so she got up to go to the loo and by ten to three , she was finding it impossible to get back to sleep .
2 ‘ For the good it did me , ’ Ruth murmured as she got up to go to the shower-room .
3 After a while she became more accustomed to the extreme dark and quite enjoyed blowing out the light and being swallowed up by the billowing darkness .
4 She tried not to listen to Mr Skinner .
5 She tried not to lie to the child , as she had been lied to .
6 She moved away to talk to Eustace Tolby who had come with his wife , an elegant Asian woman .
7 Not that she 'd ever wanted to , as she told Apricot .
8 It was the first time she 'd ever spoken to Aunt Sarah and come away with this feeling of no comfort , no help , weighing her down as if the big brass door stop from the porch had got lodged inside her .
9 The worst thought was that maybe she 'd wanted her mother dead ; for she 'd certainly gone to extremes to avoid knowing the truth .
10 In truth , she 'd never reacted to male advances with such venom before — in fact she 'd always prided herself on being able to stay cool .
11 She remembered her father 's words after he 'd blamed Ace for his son 's death ; words she 'd never repeated to anybody .
12 She 'd never resorted to violence in her life , but suddenly the thought of landing a punch square on that granite jaw was enormously appealing .
13 She could have escaped his hold if she 'd really wanted to .
14 They 'd been married in a church she 'd always gone to as a child and afterwards there was a reception in the Mansfield Hotel , near by and convenient , and then she and Gordon had gone to Cumberland .
15 He had certainly researched Grantham and Marsh and the testimonial Sebastian had purportedly given her was in line with the high regard in which she had been told she was held by the company , although she 'd hardly expected to be given such a glowing recommendation .
16 She 'd hardly spoken to mother all day .
17 But … she 'd hardly spoken to Adam since the morning he 'd returned from Starr Hills .
18 She was not very good at smiling these days , and the unease disseminated by her unconvincing efforts led Eddie Duckworth to mutter to her in a corner , with a mixture of sharpness and sorrow , that perhaps she 'd better go to bed .
19 It was no good saying in her defence that she 'd only meant to be Cara Kingsdale for an hour , because things had n't worked out that way .
20 It could n't be Dr Kent ; she hardly knew him , she 'd only spoken to him three times , and then briefly .
21 She stood for a moment on the other side of the room , sizing me up ( and me sizing her up ) , and then she came over to speak to me .
22 She came across to speak to him .
23 She turned away to shout to the android .
24 He did , and with a relieved smile she turned back to talk to her new-found friends on her other side , and within half an hour , to Donal 's exasperated amusement , had quite a crowd round her , all vying with each other to tell her stories .
25 Ignoring Randy 's imperious wave , she walked over to talk to Mike Waterlane .
26 Quite deliberately , she summoned the memory of the anguish of six years ago , the job she loved summarily barred to her and her Communications course sacrificed ; and she dwelt especially on the dilemma that had torn at her then , the agonising conflict between her obstinate determination to pursue an uninterrupted career in radio at a time when there were no positions to be had in Johannesburg but possibilities in Durban , and a heart-wrenching reluctance to leave her parents alone when advanced emphysema was shortening her father 's life so cruelly .
27 She decided not to go to communion .
28 In a lull , she drifted up to see to the babies , but misjudged mounting the stair ; Bridhe , desperate for more hands , was coming down and grabbed her .
29 She went outside to talk to him , threatening all sorts of terrible punishments for anyone who misbehaved in her absence .
30 Kate felt her cheeks tinge once more with pink as she went on listening to the good-natured chaff Mike Booker was taking on her behalf .
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