Example sentences of "she [modal v] do [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , she might do something with horses , by the sound of it , ’ said Theodora .
2 I do n't well I could be wrong she might do it on the spot .
3 So Angela did n't want to get involved — she did n't need the capital , after all — and she said to me she might do it in a year or so when Miss Huntley had calmed down . ’
4 ‘ I 'm sure she 'll do something about it . ’
5 She says she 'll do anything for the safety of the children .
6 But she could do nothing about it .
7 Whatever it was , she could do nothing about it herself , since she had n't the remotest idea what went on under the bonnet of the Renault .
8 " You do n't know what your talking about , " Katherine began , experiencing a deep burning rage that she had n't felt for a long time , a rage all the more intense because she knew she could do nothing about it .
9 Danjit 's hand unsealed the front of her suit in the shadow-hung warehouse in front of everybody and she could do nothing about it , but his lascivious toying with her breast and the perverted obscenities he whispered in his garlic-and-beer breath could n't make her feel terror now .
10 He had taken over her affairs again , picked them up as if he had never been away , and she could do nothing about it unless she began to create a great fuss .
11 She could do nothing about the cold or the slick damp that covered the walls , but she had gathered as much straw as she could and had made a bed in the driest of the cells .
12 But she could do nothing about it ; she was frozen , inside and out .
13 She saw Naylor 's sharp glance go over her , but , while she quickly lowered her glance , she could do nothing about the unexpected riot of colour that flooded her face .
14 Ruth kept her distance from him but she could do nothing about the wretched aura that surrounded him .
15 She was frantic to know more but her own ambulance was involved in an accident and she could do nothing until the end of her duty to learn whether or not Chris was involved .
16 You can take them in to Mrs Wilkins and maybe she could do something with them .
17 Mrs Funnell was right : she could do something about it , and she did .
18 But , since she could n't do anything about the car situation until that wretched part had been delivered , should n't she concentrate her worries on what she could do something about ?
19 Sally said nothing , and Harriet went on : ‘ You do n't really think she could do something like that , do you ?
20 Especially by yourself , she does n't know anyone she could do it with .
21 I mean I wo n't go into detail , but I mean she could do endowment , she could do it on a maximum investment plan basis , to back up her P E P , erm and save regularly through different funds .
22 She could do it on the back an'all , she 's got a third of an acre of garden , it 's bloody massive .
23 If necessary she could do it without even standing close to him .
24 Well , tonight she 'd do something about it , she pledged silently .
25 And of course , every now and then , she 'd do it with Simon .
26 ‘ Would I ? ’ she asked helplessly , not sure she 'd do anything of the sort .
27 She 'd do anything for us — and we both know that , which means I suppose that we have a sort of shell of security which goes with us everywhere . ’
28 but she 'd do anything for you , if you say like midnight one night you got her out of bed and come down .
29 This last pony I had , from Mrs to Soham church , she used to do it in twenty minutes and I never held the reins .
30 Susan and Gay were the people she liked best in the world , and when her father died she had made a mental vow that she would do everything in her power to make life happy for this sister of hers who had worked so hard and shown such courage .
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