Example sentences of "she [modal v] [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , she may give to a litter of mixed paternity .
2 The spider may wait for developments sitting in the centre of the web or she may retreat to the side and lurk there with one of her eight legs resting on a cue-line through which she will feel movements in the trap .
3 Taking her sister 's hand , she found there was nothing else for it , but she must press to the point .
4 If no embalmers collect her tomorrow , she must go to the lime pit . ’
5 Dame Agatha took Father Reynard by the sleeve and they walked away , the young sister apologising loudly for being late and asking if Father would give her the altar breads as she must return to the priory .
6 Instead of another row with her mother , she had decided that she must get to the bottom of things by going up to the Hall and speaking to Miss Hatherby , and she pedalled as fast as she could .
7 She must get to the door and run away .
8 She was aware how awkward she must seem to the older woman , if not exactly all fingers and thumbs , certainly all arms and legs .
9 If Britain was to survive in the new world of rival empires she must look to the fitness of her population , both for the military and for the economic struggle .
10 ‘ We can go back to Rose Cottage , always supposing Pook s Common is still where we left it , and I 'll make coffee , ’ she offered , aware that she should contribute to the peace that had broken out between them .
11 She sounds desperately unhappy , poor thing , and perhaps she should talk to a psychiatrist .
12 But all the same , Mr Browning thought it wise that she should send to the Ogilvys a letter for Gigia to carry in which both she and Ferdinando formally requested the return of their young son and gave her power to remove him from the care of his aunt and conduct him to Italy .
13 She should apologise to the whole House , it was a disgrace , it was n't fair , it was n't fair .
14 The woman had promised the youngest child that she should go to the fair , but she must go when it suited her mother .
15 Many families often feel that assisting the child to reinforce his or her identity in terms of colour and ethnicity will probably render the child unable to form a healthy attachment to them ; the child may feel that he or she should belong to a black family .
16 He or she should respond to the er , the points that are being made on behalf of the C E C.
17 ‘ Thanks , ’ she muttered , but had no time at all in which to decide if she should nip to the cloakroom and get to work with her comb , for Jimmy 's next remarks were to have her reeling — and furious .
18 She drifted into sleep , resisting an urge to move closer and press her mouth to his shoulder , combating it by wondering what his reaction might be if she should succumb to an opposing temptation and sink her teeth into the flesh her nails had already marred .
19 But this man will pull no punches when he is irked : as the head of the Thatcher loyalists determined that she should fight to the end , he threatened to floor a Thatcher aide who was guarding her door unless he allowed him in to see her .
20 ‘ If Ward did tell her about it then she might go to the police , ’ a third voice said .
21 Emilia Frere passed three nights in the bedroom at the Hall before Tom Horrocks professed himself satisfied that all danger was passed and she might return to the Rectory .
22 If — when — she returned , she might return to the cottage and not to the farm .
23 It was a rhetorical question but Elisabeth was pleased to be distracted , given an opening , so that she might contribute to the conversation .
24 Presenting herself at the servant 's entrance , Joan asked nervously if she might speak to the housekeeper .
25 He could n't distinguish her from the darkness , but any lingering doubt that she might belong to the dream from which he 'd risen was dispatched as her hand went from his mouth to his bare chest .
26 When it 's done she 'll go to the supermarket ;
27 Elliott said , ‘ She 'll talk to the police if she talks at all — who else ? ’
28 She 'll come to the door , bye !
29 Someone behind them coughed pointedly and they went quiet but Sally was wishing she could shout to the whole room : ‘ That 's my sister ! ’
30 ‘ He wanted her to go and buy some presentable clothes she could wear to the sort of smart restaurants he was taking her to . ’
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