Example sentences of "she [verb] his [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 She soothed his brow for a little .
2 She sensed his waiting for her confidence , but knew he would never pressure her into saying anything she would rather not .
3 The silence was broken by the entrance of Edward Morris , he smiled at her warmly and she returned his smile for this was a generous customer , a rare being who had paid her in advance for her work .
4 She watched his back for a moment .
5 She understood his need for sport , because she too enjoyed exercise ; what she did not understand was his need to punish himself with such dangerous activities .
6 Looking up at Trent , she searched his face for a resemblance .
7 He was no longer scanning her , after his ordinary greeting , and she plumbed his manner for significance , without success .
8 She held his gaze for a moment ; .
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