Example sentences of "she [verb] not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it is not uncommon to hear a tournament player of four or five years ' standing confess that she has not yet given herself a fair chance .
2 The Lady Jinneth went out riding alone this afternoon , and she has not yet come back .
3 The media commentator Michael Leapman , writing in the Independent on Sunday , observed that ‘ she has not usually done well in other roles … her Panorama programme on TV violence a few years ago was not judged a critical success . ’
4 Margaret Beckett , the other half of the Treasury team , is a stalwart of the press conference platform and the Labour politician most respected by the Conservatives , although she has not always inspired on the hustings .
5 It is true that she has not always got her own way in Cabinet , particularly in the first years .
6 Likewise in the case of Lewis 's Eve : if she is ransomed by Ransom 's struggle with the Un-Man in the underworld , a sort of Harrowing of Hell sequence , how can she be said to have resisted the temptation on her own ; and if she has not really resisted through her own strength — if she is to be rewarded with immortality and felicity for something she has not done herself — where is the justice in the punishment , on another planet , of Eve and her descendants , for something which again was not wholly her responsibility ?
7 To the linguist , it is clear at once that she has not really managed to speak JC , she has just made an imitation of it which might fool people not really familiar with that language .
8 She has not only lost her husband but her father .
9 In creating ‘ Passion ’ , she has not only documented the activities of BWCP but also provided ‘ an excellent introduction to the range and intensity of Blackwomen 's Creativity in Britain ’
10 She has not only suffered the anguish of over a quarter of a century of separation from her husband , but has also experienced unending persecution at the hands of the regime , such as banishment , Imprisonment , torture and sustained harassment over a period of more than two decades .
11 Like Snow White 's wicked stepmother , she has not only abandoned her adopted heir to the company of dwarves ; she lives in terror that he might yet be more admired and loved than she .
12 ‘ Down To Earth ’ will prove that she has not only mastered here medium , but that she has only just begun .
13 Second , she has not only cleaned up her act , she seems to have adopted a remarkably apt late twentieth-century camouflage : from Baltic peasant to stereotypical dyke 's delight is a transition not normally catered for in those women 's magazines that offer readers new looks for new lifestyles .
14 Although she had climbed the West Face of the Romsdalhorn , shared leads on the Third Sella Tower and led a rope up Store Skagastoltind in the Jotenheim , she was convinced she 'd not yet experienced the full horrors and rigours of a ‘ real ’ alpine day .
15 yeah , you can go ok watch her actually because er , she went right back up on these bloody chairs this afternoon , I mean she really cried , oh course I mean she , oh when Catherine come in I mean she 'd not long done it , then she nodded off to sleep I said oh they always say you should try , I mean I
16 Her tiredness seemed to soak away from her , as though she were lying in warm water ; she felt not only welcome , but positively needed .
17 Sally-Anne had one pain , one memory of which she dared not even think for fear that she would lose all command of herself , one memory which she always pushed away when it tried to attack her .
18 It was completely dark and she dared not even put the light on to look at her watch .
19 She did not otherwise feel at all detached .
20 She did not altogether like the sound of this .
21 As she did so she realised she did not yet know the name of their unexpected guest .
22 She did n't because the moment was not right ; she did not yet know that she could not plead from her position of privilege that she had suffered too — ‘ So you want to annex our wrongs as well , do you ? ’ he might well have answered to her in just bitterness .
23 ‘ Your one-time intended 's folks , ’ she said — she did not see him wince at the Americanism ; she did not yet know him as well as Sally-Anne did .
24 The answer to that she did not yet know , but she had her own answer already sworn , and she would not go back on it .
25 Although the issue of fraud trials was one in which Mrs Thatcher also took a personal interest , she did not normally intervene on the details of criminal policy .
26 Eva hastened to explain that she did not normally move in such exalted circles .
27 She did not immediately reply ; her eyes narrowed and her eyelids blinked a number of times before she said , ‘ Yes , I suppose you 're right … and no suppose about it , you are right .
28 She did not immediately come back with an answer , but looked at him steadily for some seconds before she said , ‘ That 's why you think you 've got me here for good , is n't it , Father ?
29 So , with her thoughts intent upon her programme for the day , she did not immediately connect the two names .
30 She almost ran from the room , as if afraid that her newly found resolve would melt away if she did not immediately put it into practice .
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