Example sentences of "she [verb] the last [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But , just for your information — ’ she underlined the last word ‘ — I 've known Ace Barton for more than ten years … ’
2 Unlike her uncle and aunt , who spoke with the Northern inflection , drawing one word into another , she pronounced the last syllable of each word .
3 She cracked the last egg , one-handed , on the rim of the pretty , primrose bowl with the vine leaves painted on it , let the ochre centre and its more resilient aura slither into the middle of the mixture , threw the shattered shell into the pedal-bin and then beat the eggs furiously until she could see no separation at all .
4 When she drops the last bead , she picks up all the beads in that last hole ( both hers and her opponent 's if that 's the case ) , and continues to drop them , hole by hole , around the board .
5 She drew the last word out on a whine .
6 She could have kicked herself as she added the last bit .
7 She added the last phrase as if suddenly aware that she was taking no undue interest in her children 's fate .
8 Was she remembering the last puppet show ?
9 Two years ago the same infections almost killed her and she received the last rites .
10 The Northern Echo published details of how she spent the last hours of her life on a shopping trip with her friend , Veronica Alderson , from Kirk Merrington .
11 She finished the last word .
12 As she finished the last morsel of a perfectly running Brie , she said , sighing :
13 William read through the article , finding two literals , while she finished the last page .
14 She breathed the last gasp of smoke towards the ceiling and stubbed out her cigarette .
15 Despite all , she enjoyed the last day on set .
16 She watched the last races and the diving display .
17 The American was streaking clear in the 100 metres hurdles when she hit the last barrier and crashed to the ground .
18 She crushed the last dress to her face and inhaled the scent , the faint , delicious musk of fashion lingering in the fibres , the incense of the temples of elegance mingled with the stink of sweat , debts and cruelty .
19 When she took the last fence it brought her right around the wood , opposite the point where the Master had asked them to fan out .
20 Taking care to keep to the well trodden dirt path between the growing vegetables , she crossed the last field on to the riverbank .
21 Concentrating on keeping her gift level and unsquashed she climbed the Casa Guidi stairs carefully , glad when she reached the last bend .
22 Finally she reached the last notes , and took a final bow , practically flinging the microphone at Candy , who had stepped on stage to act as compère .
23 As she reached the last step Travis appeared through a door to her left .
24 She stressed the last word .
25 She remembered the last occasion on which mother and daughter had met .
26 His voice was deep and soft with memories , so that she felt her heart dip , then beat crazily as she remembered the last time she 'd been involved in his research , when he 'd kissed her that morning .
27 It was as she put the last plate on the table that the door opened and Carrie Smith entered the kitchen .
28 She invested the last word with as much scorn as she could put into it .
29 This fantasy was so vivid to her that she would even rehearse this line out loud , looking at herself in her mirror as she smoked the last cigarette of the night , after she 'd taken her face off , after all the noise was over and we 'd all gone home .
30 On training matters , Annie deferred to her husband ; on everything else , she had the last word .
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