Example sentences of "she [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She goes to pot in exams .
2 Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from her sputum but she failed to respond to antibiotics , so a fibreoptic bronchoscopy was performed .
3 When she failed to return from work the next day he called the police .
4 There was further antagonism when she failed to get into Leeds Polytechnic but wanted to be with Gedge so much that she still moved to Leeds anyway .
5 From New Year 's Day onwards , the whole of 1849 , the last year she expected to spend in England , was to Ruth simply a period of temporising ; of waiting , though seldom patiently , for the only event which had come to mean anything .
6 When Elizabeth returned to England she talked of how she planned to go to South Africa to see if her future was there with Mr Cronje .
7 As the days , weeks and months dragged on and the fine weather turned to biting snow , preventing builders or delivery vans from approaching Remaisnil , the frustrations for Laura and Bernard became at times overwhelming , One of the lowest moments for Laura was an interview she agreed to give to Susan Raven of the The Sunday Times , for ‘ A Life in the Day of ’ series .
8 Mama made me promise to feed you before she agreed to go to bed .
9 On one occasion she agreed to pose for photographs on the condition that she would then be left alone .
10 During a hunger strike she asked to go to Confession .
11 Finally she asked to speak to Mr McGay the teacher who sent her home suffering from shock .
12 There was the church , which she helped to decorate with holly , mistletoe , evergreens .
13 What is more they appear to have done it , whether in small discussion groups , or the concerts and parties she helped to get under way to celebrate the ending of the war , which also came in that year .
14 She communicates basically by using a cannon communicator which types out what she wants to say onto ticker tape which she then tears off and hands to the person to whom she wants to talk .
15 But she 'll wear it if she has to , and she wants to go to Lourdes , the priest 's been on to her and she 's … ’
16 but , when she says to her look , look father she wants to go to university
17 Well she wants to go to sleep but she also wanted to know what is happening .
18 I do n't think she 's all that keen on them , and sometimes she kicks them all out , if it 's getting late and she wants to go to bed .
19 When she wants to go to bed with me .
20 B-R has told Margaret Wilkinson that if she wants to go by rail she 'll have to get a narrower wheelchair .
21 Erm Mary indicated at the last executive that she wants to retire from C H C and she would like Pauline to take her place , have you an nomina , a nominee from here ?
22 Now this old girl is getting on and she wants to move into town .
23 erm , but I do n't see why she ca n't , whenever she wants to look for files , copy files and sort out other people 's mess
24 She wants to escape from home , and the least we can do is to let her stay here for a while .
25 If she wants to stay at Larksoken there will be plenty of competition to get her .
26 yeah , imagine what , hey do you , do you reckon I should ask her if she wants to stay at Steven
27 I 've got a friend who recently dyed her hair purple because everyone knows you are n't going to get a decent — not to mention interesting — job with a ‘ punky ’ hairstyle , pierced nose and scruffy clothes , and she wants to stay in college .
28 She 'd never make it if she tried to go by bus .
29 Sarah 's confident manner temporarily deserted her and she tried to keep behind James as much as possible , hoping not to be noticed .
30 She was right , only the anachronisms she tried to wedge into Daine 's Dream did n't take .
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