Example sentences of "she [verb] [vb pp] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So he relaxes and enjoys a brief dance with her after she has fed him with cherries .
2 Mozart then wrote asking if he could bring his cousin , Maria Thekla , with him ( she has joined him in Munich ) but realising that this would necessitate another delay whilst the ‘ Basle ’ waited for permission from her father in Augsburg , Leopold insisted that his son travel on ahead , and that his niece should follow .
3 He has a final interview with Miss Havisham , and forgives her the wrong she has done him in leading him on to believe that she was his benefactor .
4 But she has lured him into a giant press , through which she has crawled , and is just able to throw the switch .
5 Since he has offered her the role of Claudia Cohn-Casson , she has introduced him to journalists , script writers and directors .
6 Since then they 've made LA Story together , and she has encouraged him as an actor rather than a comic .
7 No doubt there was some poor woman in Australia with whom he 'd become involved and from whom he 'd run away when she 'd presented him with some difficult situation .
8 She lingered over her task , and it was an age before she 'd covered him from head to toe : finishing her work with nimble fingers on his risen member .
9 She thought he must be disappointed that she was n't going home , and realised in dismay that she 'd wanted him to be glad to know she was staying .
10 She 'd followed him into the Rockingham public house by the Elephant and Castle .
11 A SUPERMARKET assistant recognised a man who tried to pay for goods with a stolen credit card — because she 'd seen him as a strippergram .
12 She 'd seen him with another woman when he was supposed to be away at a conference .
13 Lucy reckoned that , for the man in charge , he had some staggeringly dull tasks to handle ; she 'd seen him in the stockroom once , counting every bottle in every crate of tonic water .
14 Oh fine , yet Jo was just saying on the phone there that she 'd seen him in a catalogue .
15 She 'd goaded him into doing what he 'd done , perhaps even hoping he would take her against her will , she realised in despair .
16 She 'd met him at one of Klein 's parties — a casual encounter — and had given him very little conscious thought subsequently .
17 She 'd enjoyed a brief dalliance with Lorimer a few years earlier , after she 'd met him at one of the receptions Wakelate had attended , incognito , on business .
18 She 'd invited him round the previous evening and things had n't gone at all as he 'd hoped .
19 She 'd heard him at the glass door — a double knock , very light .
20 Yeah , I could n't even fight the thought that she 'd asked him at no what I mean .
21 ‘ Have you not heard of Resenence Jeopardy ? ’ she 'd asked him on the first day of their acquaintance .
22 She 'd taxed him with trading them for snuff , which was his passion , and he 'd not denied it .
23 She had the fleeting impression that she 'd caught him on the raw .
24 A single moment when she 'd reminded him of his sister meant nothing …
25 She 'd watched him at his breakfast out by the terrace , and he could barely feed himself .
26 He 'd said it once too often , and this time she 'd taken him at his word .
27 When they emerged forty minutes later from the second-hand shop she 'd taken him to , he wore a tweed suit , laced boots , a heavy overcoat almost ankle-length , gloves and a trilby hat .
28 She 'd taken him from the town and the friends that he knew and she 'd brought him to this great , dusty mausoleum of a place where he did n't even like to run around because the echo of his footsteps sounded too much like someone faceless who was following too close .
29 She 'd fancied him for ages and when he asked her out she managed to keep her cool even though she felt faint .
30 She 'd spotted him for the first time three weekends ago when she 'd walked out on to the nightclub stage to perform her warm-up spot for the star turn of the evening .
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