Example sentences of "she [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As she closed the car door gently , she whispered thanks to the wind for smothering any noise .
2 She met members of the group — graduates of west London 's enduring boho culture — when she accompanied her step-father , jazz musician Don Cherry , on a UK tour .
3 Her first stop was Merchiston Tower , once home to our name-sake , John Napier , where she met members of the Governing Body , staff and the Students Association .
4 It was not so much that she distrusted banks as the bother for the visit .
5 Then she made complaints about the Kings mistresses and demanded their total removal from court .
6 She made friends with the teachers as well as the other pupils .
7 During the 1914–18 war , Laura Knight recorded the work of female volunteers ; after the 1939–45 war , she made drawings of the Nuremberg trials which are masterpieces of psychological portraiture .
8 During the 1914–18 war , Laura Knight recorded the work of female volunteers ; after the 1939–45 war , she made drawings of the Nuremberg trials which are masterpieces of psychological portraiture .
9 For several years she made tours of the Continent with her elder unmarried sister , Caroline .
10 While her social views were sometimes inconsistent , there is a real sense in which she made compromises for the sake of the subscription .
11 She sought biscuits in the bread bin , the vegetable rack , on the dresser .
12 Her abdomen is swollen into a white heaving sausage , I 2 centimetres long , from which she produces eggs at the almost unbelievable rate of 30,000 a day .
13 The uncharted expanse of white was daunting and by way of preparation , she ruled squares on the canvas .
14 PRINCESS Diana — asked by an HIV sufferer why she helped victims of the AIDS virus — said yesterday : ‘ Somebody has to make the public more aware . ’
15 As Tibbles left the court , she shouted insults at the police .
16 She holds clinics in the areas in and around Cape Town — the shanty towns begin a few miles outside the city and the houses improve markedly the nearer the centre you get — and Rose believes that the fruits of her success will start to become evident in two or three years .
17 Having met the Prime Minister to discuss the matter , she said he had been sympathetic , but she dismissed moves by the Home Office as a cosmetic exercise .
18 She has plans in the pipeline to record a CD with her trio and possibly record an album with her dectect .
19 She has injuries to the head , back and buttocks .
20 She has creases at the corners of her eyes , and when she lowers her head to avoid Howard 's serious gaze she has a fold of flesh under her jaw .
21 She has telegrams from the Queen and the Houses of Parliament .
22 Impeccably groomed and known for her love of designer clothes and antique jewellery , she has designs on the University , raising its image in all areas .
23 She maintained links with the Quakers but made a point of religious independence : ‘ As I am not a member of any community , no society can answer for my irregular conduct . ’
24 Mala did point out that she found elements of the message suspicious .
25 The figure is also lower than that derived by Hughes 100 for her single chemistry thesis , where she found elements of the thesis research in five subsequent papers .
26 Equally , the figure is lower than figure derived by Hughes for her single chemistry thesis , where she found elements of the thesis research in five subsequent papers .
27 She drew comparisons between the present crisis concerning Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait and the experience of 1938 , declaring that " Czechoslovakia of all countries needs no reminding of the need for nations to stand up to bullies and do so at once " .
28 She says delays from the Department of Social Security in paying out housing benefit have given her financial problems .
29 She fills bottles from the spring sometimes , to make medicines .
30 She imagined puppies in the hall and a row of kennels at the side of the house , and people ringing the doorbell because they wanted to buy one of a litter .
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