Example sentences of "she [verb] never [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She has never advocated violence , and yet there has been a lettered campaign in some quarters to discredit her .
2 This woman may be technically a virgin in that she has never experienced intercourse , either with the father of this infant or anyone else .
3 She 'd never seen Ace showing the slightest sign of domesticity in either his London flat or the Monaco apartment .
4 She 'd never felt jealousy before …
5 No matter how tedious she was in other ways , he had always assumed that it was n't in her nature to be coarse , and certainly she 'd never displayed evidence of the inclination .
6 She 'd never experienced crime until 6 weeks ago when a young woman kept her talking in the garden while her accomplice rifled her home .
7 SHe 'd never begged help off anyone before — had n't needed to .
8 She 'd never had cause to fear a man , but now she felt oddly threatened .
9 She had never seen Ianthe handing out books to the ill-mannered grubby students and cranks of all ages who frequented the library of political and sociological books where she worked .
10 She had never had time to think about love before , had thought that Bruno had burned that out of her .
11 But she had never had confirmation of his death , as she had had of those of his parents and hers .
12 The conventions prevented her from heaping any further abuse on Chay Bank , a housing project which she had frequently and loudly denounced , but near which she had never set foot : the precariousness of her own social position would forever prevent her from visiting Fred Bowen , and this yearly ritual meeting on neutral ground was as much as she would ever dare risk .
13 I had been there once or twice but she had never set foot in my father 's new home .
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