Example sentences of "she [verb] not see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She pretended not to see David Rosen who appeared on the step as they drove off to talk to the men at the place where they gathered before work .
2 She decided not to see Phil and his band Genesis even though he 's a friend who played at her 30th birthday party in the Savoy Hotel and she has no engagements that evening .
3 She did not see Carl .
4 She did not see Freddie Nash again .
5 Intent on getting the girl dried before she caught a chill , she did not see Matthew push open the door to stare at his sister , then at Beth .
6 She did not see Gedge until six weeks later when he arrived at their door after a minor road accident .
7 She did not see Joe for a few days and then one Friday as she walked past she saw him in the teashop and went in to join him .
8 It shone ; its fine veins sparkled where the tiny gold wires crossed but she did n't see wonder in it .
9 Coming in behind him , she did n't see Midnight 's glance flicker to James Lambert , then away , as if a question had been asked and answered .
10 She did n't see Jack appear at the end of the corridor behind her , or see Mick lift his head and meet the level gaze .
11 She did n't see Simone very often , but they had known each other from their schooldays and could pick up their friendship without the slightest difficulty .
12 She did n't see David again until late afternoon when her shift was over and she joined the group from Conway House in the swimming-pool .
13 She did n't see David leave .
14 She did n't see Matthew .
15 She did n't see Travis lift his head to look down at her sleeping form , nor the strange little smile that twisted his lips before he lay down again , tucking her body closely into the warmth of his .
16 But she had n't seen Miguel — he had stayed in Santa Barbara .
17 She had n't seen Jenny since she had moved to Moorlake that first week-end but she had known that it would not be long before Jenny returned .
18 The fact that she had n't seen Guy since made the episode in the Caribbean seem dreamlike — or nightmarish , she amended bitterly .
19 She had n't seen Luke since the afternoon when she 'd run from the office , having confined her windsurfing to early Saturday mornings , safe in the knowledge that his tuition of the children took place later in the day .
20 she had n't seen Margaret since Christmas Eve .
21 For a start , she had n't seen Rosemary for fifteen minutes and she did not want her to feel left out .
22 Would it have been easier if she had n't seen Lucy almost every day for four years going into or out of the office next door ?
23 She had n't seen Wenceslas Square yet , she itemised , and to see the square named after the patron saint of the Bohemian kingdom was surely a must for any visitor to Prague !
24 She had n't seen Travis since leaving the airport .
25 She had not seen Nicholas himself , Tobie learned , for five weeks .
26 She had not seen Angela since the weekend before the one on which she had disappeared , but had spoken to her twice on the telephone .
27 She had not seen Kathleen O'Neill again , but she met Ella one day and heard news of Kathleen .
28 She had not seen Luke since he had escorted her out of his hotel suite and seen her into a taxi on the night of the awards ceremony , more than a week previously .
29 ‘ First , ’ Benjamin continued , ‘ When we arrived at Coldstream , the prioress said she had not seen Irvine . ’
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