Example sentences of "which only a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although a unilateral lesion of the left or right hemisphere may impair the accuracy or speed of unilateral movements of both the contralateral and ipsilateral arm ( Wyke , 1968 ; Heap and Wyke , 1972 ; Haaland and Delaney , 1981 ) left sided lesions appear to produce greater deficits ( Wyke , 1971a ; Kimura , 1977a ; Kolb and Milner , 1981a ) or bilateral impairment on tasks in which only a contralateral deficit is observed after a right sided lesion ( Wyke , 1967 ; 197 lb ) .
2 In the pursuit of both we can aspire to lead our country to find the real wealth which only a good society can provide .
3 A demand is made , often not explicit to the child ( and not always to the experimenter either ) , to which only a certain response is acceptable .
4 But there it encountered another ruined project , a work to be called The Drunks of which only a tiny fragment survives , and the marriage of these two constitutes the success of Crime and Punishment .
5 Few had any experience of moving about and getting together , and unless educated , which only a small minority was , had no expectation of improving their condition .
6 For instance , a major operation , starting a new school and going on active military service are threatening events often known in advance of occurrence , but which only a small minority of people will find sufficiently distressing to make psychiatric disorder a likely consequence .
7 Without this loss an equilibrium would be reached in which only a small proportion of the water in the atmosphere would be dissociated .
8 Currently the Highlands and Islands get regional aid under a rural development or Objective 5b status , to which only a small proportion of community aid is devoted .
9 Briefly , child psychology is a luxury which only a small section of the world 's parents can afford to consider : mothers need a respite from the most urgent problems of hunger , sickness and exposure before they can give much attention to questions of personal adjustment and maladjustment .
10 So flowers keep their nectar behind locks to which only a small group or even a single species has the key , which is of such a specialised design that its owner finds it difficult if not impossible to use on any other flower .
11 Another route has led to the formation of bands of close relatives in which only a small number of adults breed and these are assisted by helpers that live communally with them in a group territory .
12 Suppose the intensity is lowered to a level at which only a single photon at a time encounters the crystal .
13 Some , like the Scottish Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , of which only a single item of evidence remains , appears to have had friendly relations with the National Sailors and Firemen .
14 Some eight years after that wedding James was less happily responsible for another major work in the city : the Flodden Wall , of which only a battlemented tower now remains in the Vennel between Lauriston Place and the Grassmarket .
15 At the levels of magnification we routinely use with the electron microscope , a thumbnail would be 250 metres wide , and the order that the golgi stain seems to offer dissolves into chaos which only a disciplined imagination can control .
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