Example sentences of "which would [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover the young hero was never alone ; he always had a pure process , waiting for him , holding the thread of life which would protect him from the flames and the teeth and the dark belly of the monster .
2 Now , under the impact of guilt and remorse motivated by the positive side of the original ambivalent feelings for the father , the ego sought to defend itself from further conflict with its id by erecting safety measures which would protect it from such distorting and stressful impulses .
3 Prior to the 1970s , the penal system could plausibly legitimate itself by claiming as its raison d'être the rehabilitation of offenders , the provision of training and treatment which would cure them of their criminality , benefiting both them and society as a whole .
4 He must also take such steps as are necessary for protecting any property of the estate but is not under an obligation to do anything which would involve him in expense ( s 287(3) ) .
5 This perspective puts mathematics educators in a very comfortable position , until we recognise that it is not uncontentious and , in any case , is rarely made explicit to children , which would involve them in a detailed consideration of how mathematics has developed and the relations between abstract mathematics and reality .
6 ( e ) shareholders who paid a much higher price for their shares than their current market value may simply react emotionally to an offer which would involve them in a loss .
7 Others such as George Cadbury , who initiated Bournville Village in 1897 , and Joseph Rowntree who started New Earswick Village , York , in 1904 , experimented in creating model communities of houses built at prices which would enable them to be let at rents within the reach of working-class incomes .
8 In some other cultures , there may have been socially validated ways of defining reality and of acting which would enable them to be less socially isolated , and therefore less neurotic because less privatized .
9 He stated that the reform would challenge the insurgents to " compete under our constitutional system and free market of ideas which are guaranteed by the rule of law , " and called upon young insurgents , whose " courage " he specifically acknowledged , to " accept a peace with honour and justice " which would enable them to " rejoin the mainstream of Philippine society " .
10 The original recipients of Hilton 's text , however , as is clear from the very fact that he wrote for them in the vernacular , were not interested in comparative academic study , but in particular guidance which would enable them to fully integrate their religious faith in their lives .
11 Judges ought , when they are pre-reading a case , to be able to pick up the skeleton argument , and they ought actually to be able to start with the skeleton argument , which would tell them in very succinct form the background facts and what the points are .
12 If the fish is whole , and the fishmonger has done the decent thing — removed the guts and gills , which would taint it during cooking — all you need do is immerse the beast in any container large enough to hold it ( ideally a fish kettle ) , cover it with cold water and bring it gently to the boil .
13 Fifteen years later a man of 76 , thinking he would like to try satellite television , collected the requisite number of newspaper coupons which would entitle him to a 30-day trial of a satellite dish .
14 Questions focus on such subjects as the length of the journey , the dangers travellers might face and the kind of life which would await them in Oregon .
15 He watched the cars and buses and vans and trucks pass by him , and calculated how far he had to go to get to the next parked car which would shield him from them .
16 They needed clothes that would not get torn in a fight , which would stay pressed and neat and which would identify them in a crowd .
17 Fiat 's defence lawyers hailed the court 's move as a sensible conclusion which would leave it to the court of appeal to determine whether the four defendants should be tried in another city .
18 Mr John Prescott , the Labour transport spokesman , said BR would lose £3.5 billion of public support by 1993 , which would leave it at the bottom of the international league for support and top for fares .
19 Alternatively , they are matters together with those specifically mentioned below which would influence me against granting an injunction .
20 The factors which would influence you in deciding on the form of business include :
21 On the whole socialist feminists were suspicious of allowances on the grounds that they would undermine male wage-bargaining and preferred to argue , like Ada Nield Chew , for services in kind to support mothers in the ‘ drudgery ’ of child care ; Fabian women preferred direct payment to mothers in order to maintain their economic independence from their husbands and free them from the need to take on paid work which would distract them from their primary task of mothering ( Alexander , 1979 ) .
22 The boy was pictured in a stilled movement that clearly represented the brief moment before he reached out and reached down to pluck the flower , a movement which would topple him over the edge to certain death .
23 When A.A. Matveev went as Russian minister to The Hague in 1699 eight young Russians were attached to his mission to gain the experience which would fit them for future diplomatic careers ; and during the next decade members of several important noble families studied in Europe for this purpose with government backing .
24 ITALY , Scotland 's World Cup rivals , must make do without gifted Juventus playmaker Roberto Baggio today when they seek a victory over Malta which would lift them to the top of the qualifying Group I.
25 Mr Fallon , said the Government had a proven track record which would carry it to victory .
26 The Code is drafted so that it does not impose any obligations on the parties to a takeover and their directors which would place them in conflict with their legal duties .
27 The approaches to the education of children with special needs , culminating in the 1981 Education Act , are equally applicable to pupils with defective vision , some of whom will be included among those pupils who are defined as having learning disabilities significantly greater than the majority of their peers , or as having some disability which would prevent them from having their needs fully met without special educational adaptations or modification to their curriculum .
28 The firm should keep the matter under regular review and be alert to the possibility of a breach in the wall ( accidental or otherwise ) or to other circumstances arising which would prevent them from continuing to act : in which events the client must be informed immediately .
29 the solicitor has an existing client or an interest of his/her own which would prevent him/her from working solely in your interests .
30 ‘ We want a pay deal now to solve all our problems and a formula which would prevent us from taking action in future , ’ a spokesman said .
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