Example sentences of "which are not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although married women have won rights to benefit which are not affected by their marital status as directly as in the recent past , more women are being pushed beyond the reaches of the scheme altogether .
2 The important question for the policeman interested in hypnosis is , does hypnosis enhance the recall of events which are not blocked by extreme trauma ?
3 The only forces stationed on former East German territory would be " German units of territorial defence which are not integrated into the alliance structures " to which united Germany would belong .
4 Article 5. ( 1 ) Until the completion of the withdrawal of the Soviet armed forces from the territory of the present GDR and of Berlin in accordance with Article 4 of the present treaty , only German territorial defence units which are not integrated into the alliance structures to which German armed forces in the rest of German territory are assigned will be stationed in that territory as armed forces of the united Germany .
5 A package which is to be submitted for approval/has already been submitted for approval includes modules which are not listed on a corresponding Design Change ( DC ) .
6 For courses which are not listed in ( a ) as national developments but where the group of centres offering that course decides to engage in consortium development of the new unit specifications , SCOTVEC will support such consortium development , subject to the availability of resources , by :
7 Fashion is represented by photographs by Bruce Weber which are not to do with selling clothes but with creating a style — which is , in other pictures , harnessed to fashion .
8 It is for the court to decide the weight which should be given to statements which are not made on oath and can not be tested by cross-examination .
9 On a technical basis it is possible to exclude those Continental examples which are not made in the same tradition as the English ones .
10 When they are quite innocent of certain events they are unfortunately blamed by the public in those areas , and they are seen as damaging the countryside and they are seen also they do not encourage the matter when you envisage the fact that they have these erm , for instance , animals — the dogs around their sites which are not noted for their behaviour , and there are many aspects of their behaviour which upset people around .
11 In principle , to target the virus to cell surface molecules which are not recognised by natural viral coat proteins , we could incorporate functional nonviral polypeptides into the virion .
12 Because the Delta design incorporates leading edge spars which are not fixed to the spine , and can therefore flex , they are self-adjusting for a broad variance in wind speeds .
13 Statuses which are not fixed by inheritance , biological characteristics , or other factors over which the individual has no control , are known as ‘ achieved ’ statuses .
14 The ever increasing volume of legislation must inevitably result in ambiguities of statutory language which are not perceived at the time the legislation is enacted .
15 Under the new Social Fund , the higher long-term benefit rate was abolished and the ARPs replaced by flat-rate premiums , which are not geared to specific needs but based on two categories of basic and severe disability .
16 The purpose of John 's Gospel is clearly set out : Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples , which are not written in his book ; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ , the Son of God , and that believing you may have life in his name . "
17 There will also be considerable implications for hospital transport services , as well as financial implications for the individuals involved , which are not acknowledged by the White Paper .
18 It is obviously a wider term than motor vehicle as it not only embraces the term motor vehicle but includes a bicycle and other such contraptions which are not propelled by engines .
19 Some characin fish there are seed predators as they crush seeds , which are not destroyed in the gut itself .
20 Nonetheless there are certain consequences which we may notice : First , an obvious prediction from ( 47 ) is that , once again , adjectives which are not ascribed to the entity of the noun would be ungrammatical if put into this position .
21 This is useful for fields containing data such as passwords ( which are not echoed to the screen for security reasons ) where it is impossible to see if the field already contains characters .
22 Workers have identical skills , which are not lost during spells of unemployment ( but they are differentiated by their level of commitment , discussed in Assumption 5 below ) .
23 The jaws are armed with blunt papillae which are not arranged in a regular series .
24 It leaves out the whole class of voluntary obligations where no such change occurs , such as promises which are not relied upon , nor expected to be relied upon .
25 The sweeping changes some of which are not supported by the Daily Post survey are by common consent the vision of one man , Secretary of State for Education John Patten .
26 And the same point is put beyond dispute in the careful declaration of purpose in John 's Gospel , expressly written about the evidence of Christ 's signs : ‘ There were indeed many other signs that Jesus performed in the presence of his disciples , which are not recorded in this book .
27 Mark has only some thirty verses which are not repeated in one or both of the other two Gospels .
28 Live foods which are not collected from water do not carry the risk of fish diseases , but only collect them from the garden if you use no weedkillers , insecticides and so on .
29 In this case the seller will probably require some statement of the efforts that the acquirer will take to collect the debts , provision for unallocated payments received from debtors to be attributed first to pre-completion obligations , and a right to take over the enforcement of debts which are not collected within a period of , say , six months .
30 To mimic this , we should have to speed up our stroboscope so that its flashes came twice as fast as the cycles of mains electricity , which are not noticed in a fluorescent strip light .
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