Example sentences of "which are [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 great big towers which are painted an off white colour , an' I 'm featured , an' I 'm featured on the front of a very famous album by Pink Floyd .
2 The 30-nation talks in Geneva failed to bridge the gap between countries such as Germany and the Nordic states , which are seeking a 79 per cent cut in emissions by the end of the decade , and those like the UK and France which want a lower level of cuts over a longer period .
3 ‘ This is a test case for thousands of other garages which are facing a whole range of new checks .
4 If we are prepared to participate in a European bank for reconstruction and development to help countries in eastern Europe which are facing the same problems as Britain 's defence industry workers , could we not at least set up a defence diversification agency to help the tens of thousands of workers in the north-west and throughout the United Kingdom who will be thrown on to the scrap heap ?
5 Nature conservation is not a primary policy aim in these Parks but it tends to follow as a secondary consideration from the primary aims which are to conserve the social and cultural heritage of the Region , improve employment and make more use of the Region for recreation and education .
6 David Fielding 's set has his familiar white walls and floor , with a series of coloured backdrops on to one of which are projected a distant view of the palace and a nearer one of a stag .
7 They have the greatest reproductive success and in terms of Darwinian evolution it is Third World rapidly expanding populations which are enjoying the highest levels of reproductive success .
8 Where space is at a premium , bulbs which are given a prominent position can be lifted while still in leaf , labelled and planted elsewhere in the garden .
9 Society has also developed a new attitude toward pregenital drives , which are given a special value and are highly esteemed .
10 The report , compiled by NUPE , NALGO and COHSE , which are forming the new union UNISON , is based on a survey of 1,200 local authority home helps in England , Scotland , and Wales .
11 these are the areas which are reaching the final stages of the demographic cycle in which , as a result of migration of the child-bearing age-groups , the residual population is unable to maintain , let alone increase , its own level by means of natural growth .
12 These changes , coupled with increased marketing activity from producer and retailer alike , have caused the once mass food markets to fragment into a wide range of market segments , upon each of which are Positioned a whole variety of different foodstuffs .
13 Images such as these , which are collected every 30 minutes , are routinely used in weather forecasting and in atmospheric modelling .
14 Under the terms of the 1972 Constitution nominal political authority is held by a unicameral Supreme People 's Assembly ( SPA ) , the 615 members of which are elected every four years from a single list of candidates .
15 Under the terms of the 1972 Constitution nominal political authority is held by a unicameral Supreme People 's Assembly ( SPA ) , the 687 members of which are elected every four years from a single list of candidates .
16 Perhaps everyone who works with such old people needs a period of physical disability ( real or ‘ pretend ’ ) to see just what effort goes into the daily round and the strategies which are adopted the better to cope and to preserve independence .
17 these considerations have produced provisions governing events which take place during the interim period which are to say the least of it , complicated .
18 Legislative power is vested in a single-chamber National Assembly , elections to which are held every five years ; in the most recent elections in November 1985 the 175 seats were contested by 546 candidates of the ruling and sole legal party , the Côte d'Ivoire Democratic Party ( Parti démocratique de la Côte d'Ivoire — PDCI ) .
19 He would also learn about a series of problems , the main one of which is the unfair subsidies to ship building companies in the European Community which are handicapping the British ship building industry in terms of merchant shipping orders .
20 He said : ‘ It will be much harder to penetrate markets which are suffering a sharp slowdown in growth .
21 What ‘ disputes and speculations , which are esteemed no mean parts of learning , are rejected as useless ’ by the adoption of correct principles of knowledge ?
22 This rim is marked off from the rest of the cranium by a groove or postoccipital sulcus which ends at the posterior tentorial pit on either side and along which are inserted the dorsal prothoracic muscles moving the head .
23 Another important development is the Child Care Open Learning Project , part of the Gatsby Project , which has led to the availability of the Open University Courses ‘ Caring for Children and Young People ’ ( P653 ) and ‘ Working with Children and Young People ’ ( K254 ) both of which are making a wide range of knowledge and research available to many practitioners and others .
24 Outwards , there has been a call to overcome the sources of alien influence which are corrupting the Muslim societies with which they come into contact .
25 Or er er understand I 'm not entirely certain about that , they do the same with , they will tell you which are the , which are paying the best TESSA rates .
26 The media selection guide biannual and the PR Planner produces provisional bulletins which are issued every three weeks and complete revision supplements every six weeks .
27 The great rectangular block on which are inscribed the one-sixtieth fractions of the allied tribute which were ‘ paid ’ to the goddess Athena has room for one fewer annual list than the available years , and the most likely solution from a technical point of view is that no one-sixtieth was paid to Athena in 449 .
28 Immediately under the throne is an enclosure , surrounded by silver rails , in which are assembled the whole body of Omrahs , the Rajahs and the Ambassadors , all standing with their eyes bent downwards , and their hands crossed .
29 For example , they associate liberal democracy with the core countries , arguing that such a system is only sustainable over substantial periods in countries which are exploiting the entire world-system , and can ‘ buy-off ’ popular demands from their own residents because of the wealth that is being appropriated from other countries .
30 I 've never really had the good fortune to watch a fly 's last moments on Earth before , and my eyes are just glued to this small splodge of legs and wings which are interrupting the clean , shiny surface of the screen .
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