Example sentences of "which was be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were problems a few years ago when it first started with th the initial contract which was was won by the the County 's own direct service organization and now it seems we 're having a repeat of of those problems .
2 I once worked two night shifts in the open on Superman II which was being made at Pinewood Studios .
3 Crushed flint was used mainly in the manufacture of superior earthenware , which was being made in the Potteries before china and porcelain .
4 William Grant , however , was described as ‘ a very honest man & sincere friend to the present happy establishment ’ , a claim which was being made in the aftermath of the Jacobite defeat for many Scots .
5 Mrs Frizzell , engrossed in thoughts of buying a new dress , as well as her costume for the ball , which was being made by a dressmaker and was as yet unpaid for , jumped and turned round .
6 ( A subject which was being debated in the Legislative Council .
7 Their film shows the steep underwater flow front of a lava flow which was being erupted from a vent on Hawaii itself .
8 But this harsh action was condemned by Reagan who called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc , threatened to cut off all talks with Moscow and asked that Western aid be ended for an oil-gas pipeline which was being constructed from Soviet Siberia into Europe .
9 The plant , which was being manufactured by a Swiss engineering firm Krebs AG ostensibly for pharmaceutical production , was alleged to have a " dual-use " capability including chemical weapons production .
10 The change of Manager in 1974 coincided with Local Government Reorganisation which provided an opportunity for Derek Hyde , a Lancashire man himself , to leave Coventry City Transport which was being absorbed into the West Midlands PTE and come to Blackpool .
11 On 24 December the Soviet authorities , fearing a further change of government and perhaps of political orientation , began to airlift troops into Kabul ; it was claimed that they were responding to an appeal from the Afghan government to suppress a counter-revolution which was being fomented from outside the country , and that their action was justified by the Soviet-Afghan friendship treaty .
12 Mr Lorenzo contends he fired in self-defence because he was about to be run down by the motorcycle , which was being chased by a police car .
13 The second involved 15 Squadron Washington WF533 which was being flown by Ken White 's crew , with F/L Rust as captain .
14 The second is that the rhynchosaurs themselves declined in association with the seed-fern Dicroidium which was being ousted by the global spread of conifers .
15 The Iagifu-Hedina oilfield in the Southern Highlands Province which was being developed by a consortium dominated by Chevron and BP was on target to begin production by 1993 .
16 But that was n't the end of it ; they had made up their minds to sample every diversion that Wickhams had to offer , and went on to explore the entire store , from Haberdashery , where Mabel bought some knicker-elastic , to Hardware , where Florrie could not resist a patent vegetable slicer which was being demonstrated by a lady in a snowy white apron , who showed them how the little gadget peeled apples , chipped potatoes , sliced onions and generally made itself invaluable to the busy housewife .
17 Early in January 1758 , however , Lieutenant Home 's brother , David Home of Wedderburn , complained that the promise had not been kept and that the lieutenant had been ordered to join a fireship at Spithead which was being prepared for foreign service .
18 We submitted a detailed response to the NRA 's proposed scheme of water quality improvement targets which was being prepared for the Secretary of State 's approval .
19 A substantial army marched on London , and although it was defeated and the leaders were put to death , to do so the King had to divert the force which was being prepared for the campaign in Scotland ( 73 , pp. 14–16 ) .
20 Whilst in the design studio they were able to observe at first hand the adaption , of a Chinese Motif which was being prepared by Roger McDowell , Contract Designer , for another Swedish customer .
21 Treatment was geared to boosting John 's immune system which was being battered by various systemic fungi and intestinal parasites .
22 The clerk of the court refused to supply him with the names of the lay justices who had decided it , pursuant to a policy which was being adopted by an increasing number of magistrates courts of declining to identify justices to the public or the press .
23 ‘ I managed to get two rods out but had to sink the line below the water to avoid the ice which was being blown towards me , ’ said John .
24 There was , therefore , a vote of about one-third of the Derry electorate which was being deployed against the established parties .
25 He appeared midway through early-morning Mass , which was being conducted by another priest .
26 None of us were allowed to see the unfinished article , which was being built in one of the lecture rooms in our barrack block ; the rest of us were involved in practising for the midnight mass carol concert where our section would be providing the choir .
27 But their hired minibus , driven by Gary , was involved in a horrific crash with a Vauxhall Cavalier one mile west of Bowes on a stretch of the A66 which was being converted to dual carriageway .
28 Rostov watched his own screen as it duplicated the information which was being relayed to the sailing master .
29 Bowled over by the originality and assurance of Joyce 's Ulysses , which was being sent to him by the author in typescript section by section , Pound was between 1920 and 1922 dismantling the several hundred lines of The Cantos that he had written and published , and recasting them radically , using some of the same material but trying for a less personalized presentation .
30 He reports that the harvest had been very abundant but mentions nothing but potatoes , the surplus of which was being sent to the south , the earlies at £5 per ton which after deducting freight etc. leaves the farmer about £4–5–0 ; rocks were £4 per ton .
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