Example sentences of "which was [verb] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The next step was to call a meeting , a move which was made with surprising ease .
2 This year saw the release of their debut album ‘ Twist ’ which was received with much critical acclaim .
3 The US repeatedly asked Israel to ensure that Harari , aged 62 , to leave Panama , but Israel insisted that he was a private citizen , a claim which was treated with considerable scepticism by Washington .
4 On 8 June 1991 the patient developed a generalised urticarial rash with bronchospasm , which was treated with intravenous hydrocortisone and chlorpheniramine .
5 It also had a smoking room , which was furnished with one electric light and pressurised to prevent hydrogen seeping in .
6 Between 780–790 and 797–802 , the Empress Irene ruled , a matter which was regarded with much scorn , fear and loathing by the European Church .
7 Lying between the machine and the window , which was covered with black material , was a large circular blade .
8 Sophia placed him in the middle of the cake which was covered with white icing forked up into ridges .
9 The remaining dancers , holding each other very close , slowly circled the floor , which was littered with discarded flowers and dance-cards and even a pair of silk gloves .
10 One of the most spectacular of such closures was that of the American-owned Caterpillar tractor factory in Strathclyde in 1987 , which was announced with great suddenness from the Detroit headquarters simply because of the corporation 's international overcapacity .
11 ‘ It 's all by the way , ’ said a thin man impatiently from behind his desk which was stacked with political magazines .
12 The implications of such reforms caused growing social unrest and there were strikes in the public sector , which was threatened with mass redundancies .
13 Steps led up from the stone paving to a wide veranda , which was adorned with hanging plants and tubs full of flowers .
14 His father 's body that had lain in the great lead-lined stone coffin there for forty years was reverently removed and buried below the flagstones inside the chapel , which was hung with black , and the old man was told that all was ready for him .
15 Building it was be no easy task but one which was undertaken with great enthusiasm by Employment Training bricklaying trainees Ian Gannon , Mark Pendleton and Neil Gregson .
16 Two days later , in emergency session , the Supreme Soviet accepted the resignation of the government of Prime Minister Oleg Yesayan , and replaced it with a Defence Committee , which was invested with governmental authority until the end of the war .
17 The unrest , which was connected with further proposed petrol price and bus fare increases and also involved student protests , was believed to have been caused by a Supreme Court decision not to proceed with corruption charges against various former ministers .
18 For home defence on land the government looked largely to the militia , which was brigaded with regular formations to improve its training and hurried about the country to each area that seemed in danger .
19 This came both from abroad and from borrowers at home , who could easily obtain credit from the banking system which was flooded with foreign cash .
20 Subjects listened to the passage , which was read with normal intonation in order to provide information about sentence and clause boundaries .
21 She did not beg her , as Cati did — Rosa had heard her — to help her be good , help her to be pure , and never have dirty thoughts or put her fingers in dirty places ; instead she fixed on the amber doe 's eyes that had gushed , above the hilt of a sword , which was studded with bright glass stones and stuck out from the statue 's brocade costume .
22 Firstly , H pylori with homogeneously distributed chromatinic and cytoplasmic content within the bacterial body ( Fig 1 ) , which was associated with all the patterns of epithelial state and was seen in all the examined ultrastructural sections ; this pattern , however , was prominent in the first pattern of contact with gastric epithelium presenting normal looking epithelial cells .
23 Eventually , after walking along many avenues flanked by big houses and grand , white , marble wayside shrines , keeping her direction heading uphill , Cleo came to another wide bridge which was decorated with gilded wrought-iron curlicues .
24 Burun sat down on a bench which was decorated with gold filigree .
25 Other endoscopic findings included one case with anastomosal bleeding ( history of gastric resection ) , three cases with oesophageal varices , one of which was combined with fundic varices ( all without signs of recent haemorrhage ) , four cases with oesophagitis , two cases with non-bleeding duodenal ( one with combined gastric ulcers ) , and two cases with gastric ulcers .
26 Blackening beech leaves , from a tree near the gate , clogged the path through the little graveyard , which was overgrown with damp , dun hay .
27 We rode off to the field which was bursting with beautiful yellow melons , my favourite sort .
28 Over the next few years they built up a 650-acre farm , a sizeable chunk of which was bought with 20,000 of Frances ' inheritance .
29 He 'd tried to stop a truck which was loaded with stolen aluminium scrap worth just a hundred pounds .
30 He 'd tried to stop a truck which was loaded with stolen aluminium scrap worth just a hundred pounds .
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