Example sentences of "which is [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Listed buildings have , however , a few advantages , not least of which is freedom from VAT in respect of major works of repair or renovation .
2 I can actually recall a press release which came to me about a a principal tourism officer who had just been appointed to be the head , you know the president for the year of his professional body , and in his own town a press release was put out in which his name was incorrectly spelt , and the conference at which he was about to be invested was actually taking , and I blush to say that it was in Brighton , I can only tell you when I got that press release I did what I frequently do , which is outline in highlighter the mistakes on the press release , put it back into the envelope and send it back to the relevant officer .
3 The value of shares in firm A is V SL and the return to shareholders , assuming that all earnings are distributed , is which is earnings before tax but after debt interest has been deducted as an allowable expense , less corporation tax .
4 ‘ I tried to provoke her into doing so , but she said she 'd put you out of her mind completely — she 'd forgotten you , she said — which is nonsense of course — ‘
5 The handle has an elliptical-shaped opening which is 14mm in depth , by 3mm at its widest point , and this contains part of the iron blade .
6 Since then the remaining female , which is 8″ in size , has become very aggressive and destructive .
7 One aspect of the contra proferentem rule is that , if there is more than one possible head of liability one of which is liability for negligence , then an exemption clause will not be interpreted as excluding liability for negligence unless it does so in clear terms .
8 so that 's done some work on that , and there 's now four models for training , one is the , you know , on the job , evenings , training , there 's the weekend model of getting people together for the weekend , there 's the sort of summer school idea and the other one 's the one that Doug keeps reminding me about , which I keep forgetting about which is the distance learning one , er we , I think this is the one he thinks is running in Dundee , that maybe help with because the idea of developing a pack which is kind of trainer proof
9 which is kind of width .
10 The police officers at the service station which is course of action .
11 The only difference is that I suppose er at we have er which is development in North Stockton , we have er erm permission for four hundred erm executive dwellings which is the sort of er market which you could have been looking for at in the past .
12 So you , so I , I , I do n't agree with you on that point but anyway the point of refining , the point of refining the capital programme is there is an im implication of , of , of debt repayment er , which is part of revenue , which could have an implication er , upon how we reach our reductions .
13 On the top level are six big studios : Warner , Disney , Columbia/Tri-Star , Paramount , Fox ( which is part of News Corporation ) and Universal ( Matsushita ) .
14 Jesus offers us his peace , which is wholeness of life .
15 Language seems to ‘ evolve ’ by non-genetic means , and at a rate which is orders of magnitude faster than genetic evolution .
16 Still remember that we 're debating Mr 's amendment which is director of consumer protection .
17 Those in favour of Mr 's amendment , which is director of consumer protection please show
18 If it were to become an actual consistent condition , the very purpose of life itself ( which is growth towards perfection through the struggle between opposites or growth towards total ‘ order ’ ) would be cancelled out and the evolutionary process would cease to be of significance .
19 The tendency for spits to be orientated at right angles to the dominant waves is well illustrated by Hurst Castle Spit which is particularly instructive in this respect for the spit does not continue the direction of the coast west of Milford , which is west-north-west to east-south-east , but orientates itself north-west to south-east , thus demonstrating the connection with wave direction .
20 I went on to Birmingham 's All Saints Hospital , which is cheek by jowl with Winston Green Prison .
21 Which is sort of distance , but with a direction .
22 Little pigs have big ears , ’ which is code for Jimbo is listening .
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