Example sentences of "which have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Greater weight is given to propositions which have been repeated by judges in a number of cases .
2 Moreover , the high estimates of press influence on international relations which were widespread by the beginning of the twentieth century , and which have been repeated by some historians , were much exaggerated .
3 Shells which have been gathered from all over the seashore .
4 The system must be capable of identifying any new entries or sense sections which have been incorporated into the dictionary text .
5 Some of the entries in the archive are marked as being obsolete , either because they represent Supplement entries which have been incorporated into earlier OED entries , or because they have been discarded by lexicographers and are not to be included in the New OED .
6 Of particular note are significant improvements to safety , health and welfare which have been incorporated in the new premises for Rolls Wood Group , Lincoln Turbine Service and AHT Surveys .
7 All of which have been supported by WACC for some years .
8 Additionally , the monitoring of expenditure , the assessment of educational outcomes and the achievement of value for money are essential functions which have been strengthened by statute and are clearly the role of local government .
9 I found it hard to find Mill 's arguments for this , although he seems to be , he seems to be arguing the point over several pages , but erm we get pretty much rhetorical claims and evidence and so he wants us to consider those states which have been ruled by despots with those contemporary states which have been democracies England versus Spain say and he thinks it 's obvious which type of system we ought to prefer .
10 Quite apart from the problem of reconciling these propositions with internationally comparative evidence on rises in real wages , increases in the share of wages in national income , and the growth of the service sector , the analysis fails to take account of the skills created by new technology — skills which have been exploited to powerful effect by those who possess and control them .
11 Many times on the recent trip to New Zealand Noel Murphy publicly referred to the vastly increased calendar of events which have been imposed on the leading players in all the rugby countries .
12 A rather more realistic approach would be to point out that there are certain conventions which have been imposed by traditional working methods .
13 Proper training from puppyhood should render this precaution unnecessary , but rescued dogs which have been mistreated in the past often remain very wary of strangers .
14 Mr Clinton may be staking the future of his presidency on his plan , details of which have been leaked over the past week .
15 Such information is of greater intelligence importance than the photographs of IRA suspects , usually given the lowest levels of security classification , which have been leaked to various newspapers in recent weeks , triggering a political row and a big police investigation .
16 In operating partially without paper , the bank is the first of a pilot group of 10 Belgacom clients , which have been experimenting with the phone company 's as-yet-unannounced Electronic Data Interchange service for the last 18 months .
17 ABOVE Hounds which have been raised over generations to chase game by sight rather than scent can be difficult to train .
18 For those who find it hard to work with or explain coherently to others a set of numbers which have been raised to a power or logged , Mosteller and Tukey ( 1977 : 194 ) suggest a technique which they call ‘ matched re-expression ’ to rescale the transformed values to fall within the main range of the original number scale .
19 Robespierre 's experiment was , scarcely surprisingly , a dismal failure ; and while the delicious dream of a universal , natural and reasonable religion may have an understandable attraction for those who are influenced by but not wholly committed to Christian ( or some other ) belief , it does not appear capable of offering any very stable resting-place , or any adequate defence against the more radical challenges to religion as such which have been raised from without and within Christian theology in modern times .
20 We firmly believe , without prejudging all the issues which have been raised in relation to the problem , that whatever mistakes were made should be viewed against the background of her overall contribution on the one hand and the activities of the enemy on the other .
21 Sir , the other matters which have been raised by Mr are essentially issues of development control , unrelated to the issues of greenbelt function .
22 is I 'll just run through the additional points and these on the list which have been raised by the others , and
23 I have listened to fair chunks of the debate tonight , and there can be no doubt whatsoever that considerable complexities need sorting out , many of which have been raised by Conservative Members .
24 Our costs to date which have been increased as a result of the German problems are some [ ] ( net of our fees on account of [ ] ) .
25 But Marxism and socialism are not the only nineteenth-century political theories which have been presented in a new way during recent decades .
26 Opportunity has now been presented for someone to take a sober look at her writings which have been collected into one volume recently by Liz Johnson and Cecily O'Neill ( 1983 ) .
27 This is a summary of the arrangements which were adopted for the Phase 1 Pilots , a statement of the impressions which have been collected of their operation and an outline of the interim conclusions which have been reached .
28 The several price quotations which have been collected for each of the 350 items in the ‘ basket ’ must be averaged and then divided by the average price of that item in January 1985 .
29 My — though not necessarily her — interpretation of this observation leads me to ask whether in fact the capacity to show LTP might not be a purely artefactual phenomenon , which occurs only in animals which have been reared in the highly restricted environment of a research laboratory ?
30 Boyd ( 1979c ) provided lists of four National Nature Reserves and 39 Sites of Special Scientific Interest , many though not all of which have been declared for their botanical interest .
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