Example sentences of "which had been [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The fields were spread thick with buttercups and the may blossom which had been particularly plentiful this year was beginning to turn and fall .
2 After piloting the database , three keywords were added the file , representing aspects of the life of the three main character which had been particularly important to several pupils but had n been catered for initially .
3 It was Janet who found , during the course of his work , that patients suffering from what he termed ‘ neurotic disorders ’ would often have significant gaps in their long-term memories — they had actually managed to block out incidents from long ago which had been particularly painful or excessively distressing .
4 Thus the Hellenistic age saw an intellectual event of the first order : the confrontation of the Greeks with four other civilizations , three of which had been practically unknown to them before , and one of which had been known under very different conditions .
5 Fishing effort in the North Sea which had been slowly increasing as engines and gear were developed , came almost to a standstill during the war and , in consequence , the sea-bird populations flourished as fish stocks increased .
6 There were indications during 1990 that the global debt situation , which had been steadily worsening since the early 1980s , might be starting to ease , as lenders from the developed countries resumed their credits to the developing world and as the return of confidence in the global economy prompted a resumption of foreign investment .
7 Which way round had they come , and which had been most important to the killer ?
8 Clive Kemp 's suggestion that she join him on a cruise across the Mediterranean had seemed the perfect antidote to a long hard winter , a series of temping jobs which had been more demanding than usual , and the unpleasantness of her break-up with Giles .
9 Australian railways took up and developed the Italianate style which had been so influential in Britain and the United States earlier in the century , and by the time the principal Australian stations were built , classical was in style once more .
10 In Troeltsch , the focusing of attention on ‘ religion ’ which had been so central for Schleiermacher and Liberal Theology is thus intensified to the point where its separation off from Christian theology becomes inevitable .
11 The classic British ‘ regional problem ’ of the coalfields in the 1930s resulted from the collapse of the coal industry ( partly as a result of the collapse of the UK 's position within an earlier international division of labour ) which had been so central to the economic structure of a number of areas of the country .
12 That which had been so familiar to me and accepted almost without thinking now took on a new and almost bizzare aspect .
13 For them , nuclear weapons were regarded as an extension of artillery , which had been so crucial in the second world war .
14 Moving the light round the half-circle , he let it rest on the third stone from the mouth of the chamber on the right hand side — the one which had been so prominent in his ‘ photograph ’ .
15 Murat and the French Ambassador , La Forest , saw the 2nd of May as the opportunity for one of those severe lessons which had been so effective in Naples .
16 Throughout all this period the SPD and FPD continued to argue for a less exclusively western orientation , dusting off the old chestnut about Germany 's ‘ third way ’ which had been so disastrous in 1918 .
17 Her cheeks , which had been so white the previous evening , now had colour , and instead of sagging with exhaustion she radiated the extraordinary vitality that had so attracted me at our first meeting on the Cutty Sark .
18 On arriving he missed that female intimacy which had been so important a part of his life for many years .
19 The Ministry of Education , now headed by rightwingers in the coalition , has indicated its intention to concentrate on formal sector education , marginalizing the literacy and popular adult education work which had been so important under the Sandinistas by starving them of funds .
20 However , the international support which had been so important over West Irian was generally lacking .
21 In fact he returned to Amsterdam , but in 1681 he agreed to serve as leader of the English Sephardi community which had been so generous to him years before .
22 And I began to be conscious of my unnatural state , and cry in the night sometimes for no real reason except that I wanted a man beside me — any man at all , I sometimes thought , and the little voice which had been so snooty before , now held its peace on the subject .
23 What became real to her was not Therese Aschmann , but the tiny diamond and garnet engagement ring Willi had bought in a shop at the back of St Stephen 's Cathedral , and Gerda 's delight , and the luck they had had in getting two cancellation seats at the Staatsoper for a performance of Figaro , and the elegance of their hotel , and the toy truck they had bought for Georg , which had been so large they 'd had trouble getting it home .
24 Nevertheless , Gregory 's surviving writings do not belong to the rhetorical traditions which had been so fashionable in Late Roman and Merovingian Gaul .
25 Following the thread of light upwards into the darkness , Bernice found that the curves and kinks which had been so obvious from the surface of Belial had straightened out a little more .
26 Fortunately she retired just in time ; and saw his dark eyes , which had been so sympathetic , gleam for a second behind his little round glasses with amusement , with a kind of mockery , as she so promptly retreated .
27 Rain guessed what had caused such changes : the realization that her talent did not stretch very far ; the passing of a way of life which had been so thrilling ; impending old age with few friends , little money and no certainty of a roof over her head .
28 The explanation which had been so clear to her when she shut the book by the pool now seemed only a thought , whimsical and without any solid foundation .
29 While her eyes , which had been so clear and proud , seemed tired now and were beginning to fade .
30 Everyone had the World Cup on their lips , the advertising ratings were very healthy — even if the structure of a team which had been too long in the comfort-zone was less than robust .
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