Example sentences of "which had [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The legislation , which amounted to a substitute for that which had been vetoed by Bush in November 1990 , required written presidential approval before covert action was undertaken by any component of the US government .
2 I went on and delivered a fast three minutes of the cleanest material I had , most of which had been done to death already by every comic who went before me and would no doubt be done again by those who followed .
3 The apartment 's previous owners had hired an expensive interior designer from New York and ordered her to trick out the rooms in a horse-country olde-English Spy-Cartoons look , which had been done to extravagant perfection , but McIllvanney was none of those things .
4 Angry though the prince was about this , he was still trying to repair the damage which had been done to Russo-Bulgarian relations when Roumelian irredentists took the game out of his hands .
5 Zoser , as rigid as Andrus and far less intelligent , had taken it upon himself to put right the wrong which had been done to his friend and his church .
6 In his testimony to Congress in July 1987 — which had been given under immunity and was , therefore , inadmissible at his trial — Poindexter had said that he alone had authorized the Iran-contra operation and that Reagan had known nothing of it [ see pp. 35828-29 ] .
7 One of Leonard 's great joys in his teenage years was a full set of the English poets , bound in leather , which had been given to his father for his Bar Mitzvah .
8 Jane was horrified when Erwin drove up in a Land Rover which had been given to the charity by a large company , and which he had appropriated .
9 The tsar expressed his annoyance by a gesture ; he repudiated the free-port status which had been given to Batum by the Treaty of Berlin .
10 It was here that items of the Emperor 's clothing and the superb diamond necklace which had been given to him by the Princess Borghese [ his sister , Pauline ] as well as the Landau which had escaped the Moscow disaster in 1813 ( sic ) were taken . ’
11 Those authorities show that , in approaching the language of the Act of 1986 , one must pay particular attention to the purposes and policies of its own provisions and be wary of simply carrying over uncritically meanings which had been given to similar words in the earlier Act .
12 He also broke an undertaking which had been given to the court in his name .
13 The prizewinner was presented with a cup , which had been given for the first time in 1987 .
14 Before the second Dutch war they argued for parliamentary control of the revenue destined for the war , and during the session of 1666–7 Garway was in the forefront of the group 's attacks on government corruption , proposing a statutory committee to examine the accounts of the money which had been given for the war with the Dutch .
15 As payment for this help Sisenand promised a gold dish , weighing five hundred pounds , which had been given by Aëtius to king Thorismund in the fifth century .
16 There was at least no example in Western Europe in the eighteenth century of the premeditated murder by secret agents of one country of a diplomat belonging to another , a thing which had been seen under the rule of Louis XIV .
17 Five companies have been shortlisted in the bidding for 35% of the Greek Telecommunications Organisation , OTE , this summer , Reuter reports : their indicative bids are expected in June and the sale will be completed in August and the five are Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp , France Telecom , GTE Corp , Telefonica de Espana SA and STET SpA ; STET already has a $160m 20-year licence to develop a cellular mobile phone system in Greece ; AT&T Co , which had been seen as the favourite , withdrew from the bidding .
18 Adenauer also succeeded , within the CDU , in rejecting socialist-style ideas for reform , such as nationalisation , which had been seen in the party 's 1947 ‘ Ahlen Programme ’ .
19 The ‘ strong technical control ’ which had been seen by the CEB men at the centre as essential for efficiency was seen by many in the divisions as an unnecessary drag on initiative and responsibility .
20 In the drama departments there was a general welcome for the move away from written papers , which had been seen by many drama specialists as a cause of confusion between drama and English literature , with students often finding it difficult to respond to the change in emphasis towards a set text that this involved .
21 In its guidelines on the DMS and other ‘ courses for managers ’ issued in 1979 the Council defined access to the Diploma — which had been seen from the outset as a postgraduate award — in terms of flexible entry : in addition to the broad treatment of management studies and its supporting disciplines it incorporated
22 Ancient customs such as ‘ bundling ’ , intimate but fully clothed and ritualistic forms of petting , cuddling and courtship in bed , which had been policed by local traditions in rural society , continued into industrial society .
23 This term was reserved for the rural dialects , which had been legitimized by nineteenth-century investigations , and which were believed to be ‘ genuine ’ in a way that urban dialects are not .
24 It was not in any way grand : simply a solid nineteenth-century country residence with a small courtyard and a pleasant garden sloping down to the river ; the sort of place , Celia reckoned , which had been built for a man of some substance : a prosperous merchant or , more likely , a gentleman farmer , the land having been incorporated into the nearby estate .
25 This construction usually evoked great alarm among the surrounding natives and led to attempts to destroy the fort which had been built on their land …
26 They had managed to buy the son of inexpensive terrace house which had been built at the end of the nineteenth century for workers and which still continued to be in a working-class area .
27 The forerunners of the railway stations of the Trans-Siberian were the ètapes , the stockaded rest stations with barrack-like rooms , and the post-houses which had been built across Siberia earlier in the century .
28 In the US the historic walls which had been built between the banking system and the savings and loans were breached without attention to the integrity of the financial system .
29 As for the old houses , there were none in the immediate area that I knew of , other than these which had been built as a nostalgic memento , as a reminder , as a gift both to himself and his family from a man who must have known innately that in discarding the past his people were in danger of losing their touchstone .
30 In his last visit to North Korea , Ceauşescu had been able to see the thirty-storey concrete pyramid in the centre of Pyongyang which had been built under the inspiration of the Dear Leader , Kim Jong Il ( albeit from an original idea by George Orwell ) .
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