Example sentences of "which they [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They 've set aside thousands of tonnes of salt which they 'll dump on icy road surfaces to make driving safer .
2 Having played a major role in Middlesbrough 's promotion to the UK League , in which they 'll start as a Division Four team this summer , Stuart now finds herself number one sprinter with the champions of the past three years .
3 Before I come to discuss the philosophical problems that are raised by this sort of account of self and autonomy , I want to look at what I have called its implicit politics ; and what I mean by this primarily is its possible consequences for the way in which women might think about their relationships to each other , and the way in which they might think about themselves .
4 There is nothing essentially new in thus narrowing the scope of will ; most of mankind throughout most of its history seems to have taken it for granted that they were moved by forces from beyond them and mysterious to them , which might lift them above or drag them below the capacities of which they might presume to be in command ( in Christian theology , the unpredictable visitations of divine grace assisting a will otherwise impotent to resist the Devil ) , and in the present century , ever since Freud demonstrated that the same conception of man could be translated from a religious into a psychological language , we have found ourselves thinking our way back to it .
5 In general , from 1450 onwards , non-European Christians were taught theology to a level at which they might function as parish priests , but they were not admitted to the religious orders such as the Jesuits and the Dominicans .
6 Students should be made aware of the above criteria and should be encouraged to carry out their own evaluation of any potential investigation which they might use for summative assessment purposes .
7 In the interbank market , banks offer surplus deposits which they might have to other banks .
8 I argued that there was a lack of clarity ( or clear research evidence ) concerning what these appropriate qualities might be , an unfortunate tendency to abstract approved-of skills from consideration of the contextual circumstances in which they might need to be employed , and an inclination to present a one-sided interpretation of the implications of specialist subject expertise for teaching quality .
9 There are seldom any references to co-curricular activities and the important part which they might play in the whole curriculum of a school .
10 Students study three subjects in the first year , after which they may continue with one of these subjects for an honours degree .
11 Improved economic status now gives more elderly people the option of a fairly comfortable retirement which they may prefer to continued employment in unattractive work .
12 But in his theoretical essays he gives some interesting indications of the ways in which they may contribute to a poem 's effect .
13 The first type of state is the case where monotonous driving on featureless roads , particularly motorways/highways , has been claimed to lead to the driver falling into a trance-like state in which they may fail to adequately respond to changes in the road environment .
14 Any disregard of this may provide the minority shareholders with a claim under s459 Companies Act 1985 , under which they may complain against resolutions of the company which are for the benefit not of the company as a whole , but of the majority shareholders alone .
15 Others may prefer to continue the addictive process rather than accept the need for personal change which they may perceive to be more painful than continuing the addiction .
16 He said your body is like a book in which men may read strange things , a foreign country in which they may travel with delight .
17 Because innkeepers are under specific duties imposed upon them by the Hotel Proprietors Act 1956 and at common law , they in return have certain rights which they may exercise over and above those which proprietors who are not innkeepers may exercise .
18 The Timeshare Act , which provides buyers with a 14-day cooling off period during which they may withdraw from a timeshare agreement , comes into effect on 12 October ( p 99 ) .
19 Implementation of a new Timeshare Act , which provides buyers with a 14-day ‘ cooling off ’ period during which they may withdraw from a timeshare agreement , has been announced by Consumer Affairs Minister Baroness Denton .
20 ( also known as education social worker ) Education welfare officers liaise with Social Services Departments and are responsible for the general well-being of school children , not only ensuring that they attend school regularly but also dealing with grants , allowances and services which they may need to be able to attend ( e.g. clothing , transport , free school meals ) .
21 Second , the electorate will have every incentive to vote for more government services because they do not pay for them directly and individual tax payments may bear little ( if any ) relationship to the benefits which they may derive from such services .
22 Students taking the degree without honours have a choice of the subjects which they may take at a higher level .
23 One of these effects can be what Britton ( 1981 ) refers to as the phenomenon of re-enactment as an unwitting professional response to the dynamics of a child 's situation , the difficulty that exists for professionals not to re-enact — and thereby aggravate — what the child already experiences , and the ease with which they may collude with his sense of hopelessness and negative feelings .
24 They find themselves cover in secluded areas , adopting a temporary home which they may use on a number of occasions .
25 A major issue is how to balance the rights and needs of the dementia sufferer with the effect which they may have on other tenants .
26 I just want to exchange one or two ideas with them which they may find to be of benefit .
27 By reading a wide range of literature , children become aware of new forms of discourse and modes of expression with which they may experiment in their own writing .
28 Prisoners were to be made to perform productive work within the prison in a consistent and regular manner in order that they should acquire rational work habits which they would continue after release instead of returning to crime .
29 Even now , they were following their own destinies , being drawn towards some Last Battle in which they would stand against things Hawk called the Dark Spirits , whose front man on Earth she recognized as Elder Seth .
30 That 's that 's the present case , but I think er impact would say that with a fifty-fifty split , then those trustees should elect their own chairman and should be free to bring in independent trustees , so if you had a board of say four company members and four elected by the members er of the pension fund , they might decide to have two outside independents , one of which they would choose as the Chairman .
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