Example sentences of "which we [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A large vibration creates a strong wave which we hear as a loud noise , while a small vibration produces a faint sound .
2 A slow vibration creates low-frequency waves which we hear as a low-pitched noise , while a fast vibration produces a high-pitched noise .
3 While the soft-voiced viol consort was peculiarly suitable for domestic music , there was a standard mixed consort for public occasions , of which we hear in an account ( 1591 ) of an entertainment for Elizabeth I at Elvetham in Hampshire : an ‘ exquisite consort , wherein was the lute , bandora , base-viol , citterne , treble-violl , and flute ’ .
4 KPMG should not be associated with an Investment Overview which we know at the time of issue to be misleading or factually incorrect .
5 In such studies , to which we turn in the next chapter , it will be necessary to consider yet other components which have frequently entered into the definition of style .
6 Hence the importance of audits by competent and independent auditors — to which we turn in the next chapter .
7 C. S. Lewis offered the most daring statement in the final volume of the ‘ Narnia ’ series , The Last Battle ( 1956 ) , in which we come across a young ( dead ) virtuous pagan , Emeth , who explains that all his life he has served Tash and scorned Aslan the Lion — earlier on it has been made clear that Tash is a bloody demon , Aslan , one might as well say , the ‘ Narnian ’ Christ .
8 But such a dimension does help to explain why philosophy can be seen both as a mode of thinking in any discipline , and also a discipline in its own right ; for it is at least arguable that the ‘ questions about questions ’ in every field eventually converge on certain basic questions and concepts which we recognize as the traditional domain and concern of the philosopher .
9 … to outline a system of geomorphology grounded in basic principles of mechanics and fluid dynamics , that will enable geomorphic processes to be treated as manifestations of various types of shear stresses , both gravitational and molecular , acting upon any type of earth material to produce the varieties of strain , or failure , which we recognize as the manifold processes of weathering , erosion , transportation and deposition .
10 This is a case in which we distinguish between a person 's body as it appears to that person , and as it appears to others .
11 One could also mention the printing industry machines which we export to the West .
12 ‘ In the real democracy which we inhabit in the United Kingdom ’ , we see things differently , as British Sources are wont to put it .
13 The only new track which we envisage in the next 10–15 years is the possible construction of a new west-east chord to the South of Dalmeny , and the only new passenger services is a possible re-opening of the South Suburban line .
14 ‘ It will now be necessary to observe that animals are more frequently attacked by epizootic , endemic and contagious diseases than the human species because we are protected from these casualties by our Houses , Clothing and manner of Living , in short by all the precautions that reason dictates , whilst animals are deprived of all these recourses and are constantly exposed to dangers which we avoid by the above-mentioned precautions , besides their food and drink is constantly the same , which often is the cause of a fermentation in their blood which generally terminates in stubborn and fatal diseases .
15 We can make fear choices , which lead us to cling to the past — ‘ I hate my job , but I wo n't find anything better , so I 'd better stick to it ’ , ‘ I always eat hamburger and chips on Thursdays ’ , ‘ I 'd like to know Chris better , but I 'm sure s/he wo n't be interested in me ’ — or growth choices , in which we reach for the future — ‘ I hate my job , so I 'll start applying for others , even though it feels scary ’ , ‘ Maybe I 'll try spaghetti bolognese tonight ’ , ‘ What have I got to lose ?
16 There are various contexts in which we speak of a person or institution being an authority .
17 Without wishing to champion the Soviet system and the way in which it ‘ manufactures ’ its sportsmen , I believe the general philosophy underlying the integration of sports with other components of education is much more realistic than the irritating duality with which we labour in the Western world where educators are prone to see justification for particular studies in terms of their practical value .
18 Cos that , I mean that 's the sort of thing which we get over the problem
19 We have oil in the North Sea which we are just wasting , we have gas which we get from the North Sea which we do n't quite know what to do with it .
20 Show the smile by which we respond to the story .
21 It is a striking fact that in mania the adult with his manifold potentialities of action and reaction reproduces the uninhibited instinctual manifestations which we observe in the euphoria of the satiated suckling .
22 We each have our duties which we stick to every day .
23 They have not been they are not the area covered by the er York greenbelt because as Mr said , er er greenbelt boundaries follow natural features rather than administrative boundaries which we use for the for the Greater York study .
24 On the way into land we could n't find the mendlsham mast which we use as a land mark to find the airfield .
25 Then , just over two years later , John announced at the AGM ( which we use as an opportunity to set spiritual and practical goals for the year to come ) that he felt the time had come for church number three .
26 It is for this reason that many of the extracts from the data which we use in the volume are accounts and nearverbatim records of spontaneous conversations in natural situations , for we thought it unreliable to ‘ interview ’ respondents formally ( van Maanen 1982 : 140 argues that most ethnographic data are conversation-based ) .
27 This year we are faced with considerable financial difficulty since the grant which we receive from the Sports Council towards our administration expenses has been cut .
28 The main good grains on which we depend for an essential part of our daily diet come from plants belonging to the family of grasses and can not be readily digested until the tough outer shells are broken up and , sometimes , removed .
29 We begin each section with a standard definition of Compacts in which we refer to the Training Agency explanation : " A Compact is founded on partnership and commitment .
30 Again we have not found significant polymorphism in this pattern which we take as a male specific pattern for the purposes of parasite sex determination in the laboratory .
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