Example sentences of "which have [been] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Since then , the directors have done little other than line their own pockets , award themselves enormous pay increases and indulge in dodgy share options , all of which has been done at the expense of the domestic customer , whose bill has gone up by 40 per cent .
2 It is a trend which has been noted at other fairs .
3 It was a decision taken in haste , which has been repented at considerable leisure .
4 In Southampton it is more than twenty years since we learned that there was a major settlement of foreign merchants quite separate from the walled town ; and Hamwih seemed for a time a town apart from others in Britain — though evidently related to the great semi-urban sprawl which has been excavated at Duurstede near Utrecht .
5 But for others in civil aviation , from BAA ( which has been looking at airport facilities in Budapest ) to carriers such as KLM and Interflug , which are anxious for the markets , it would be just the thing .
6 But for others in civil aviation , from BAA ( which has been looking at airport facilities in Budapest ) to carriers such as KLM and Interflug , which are anxious for the markets , it would be just the thing .
7 A House of Commons select committee , which has been looking at the feasibility of using ‘ combined heat and power ’ ( CHP ) , last week reported that the idea is about to come into its own in Britain .
8 One Martian meteorite already recovered from Antarctica , which has been analysed at Milton Keynes , contained significant amounts of organic chemicals .
9 IMPROVING communications is the aim of a new Quality Circle which has been introduced at Imperial Pottery .
10 The technique known as open access endoscopy , which has been introduced at the Royal Victoria Hospital , means that the inside of a patient 's stomach can be examined using a tube-like lens .
11 The national curriculum guidance which has been issued at the time of writing on the two core subjects of mathematics and science shows a welcome emphasis on statements of attainment rather than testing .
12 Current theories about source relationships , and details of the stage history of The Fairy Queen that are inferable from them , rest upon printed evidence which has been taken at face value — accepted even when Purcell 's autograph contradicts it .
13 It is the production version of the PWS 4000 porting platform which has been shown at all the major computer exhibitions since Comdex/Fall last October ( UX No 357 ) .
14 Roy Hattersley , deputy party leader , was blamed for the change in policy which has been approved at three previous conferences .
15 It would be more advantageous to study an action picture which has been captured at a lower camera speed .
16 Anti-realism is the theory of understanding which has been mentioned at various points in this chapter .
17 ( iv ) Place the slide on the surface of a slide warmer ( hot plate ) which has been stabilized at 70-C .
18 A further criticism which has been levelled at the Keynesian model is that it tends to understate the influence of money on the real variables in the economy .
19 And I er addressing your attention ma'am to , particularly to , the erm M A F F laboratory , which has been established at Sand Hutton , which is a maj , going to be a very major employer , located immediately adjacent to , well within this particular sector .
20 Another form of repo which has been used at times of particularly heavy tax receipts by the government is one undertaken directly with the banks .
21 Because there are no unions here staff have not been involved in the strike ballot which has been held at the other four British plants .
22 Only change to the Bomber Command Hall will come with the removal of the Mosquito T.III , which is being replaced with the much more appropriate Mosquito B.35 TJ138 , which has been refurbished at St Athan .
23 They had managed to buy the son of inexpensive terrace house which had been built at the end of the nineteenth century for workers and which still continued to be in a working-class area .
24 Japan had assumed control over Korea , Formosa , the Pescadores and the southern half of Sakhalin , which had been obtained at the end of the Russo Japanese War in 1905 .
25 The material included flammable and toxic paint residues and solvents which had been stored at a site in Essex not licensed to deal with hazardous waste .
26 Despite the restriction of the survey to schools which had been scheduled at least to have made a start on the review , only four-fifths of the teachers included actually had .
27 Hair Type : Short , grown out style which had been coloured at home .
28 The most dramatic of these increases in percentage terms are , not surprisingly , to be found where the earlier payment was small , as at Lavenham , Totnes and Tiverton , but even major centres such as Norwich and Coventry , which had been assessed at quite a high level in 1334 , showed a percentage increase above the national average .
29 But the odd tension which had been nagging at him seemed to be increasing .
30 But while new projects were opening , the Board was forced to depart from its Shetland Islands project which had been undertaken at the invitation of the Shetland Islands Council and the Island Council Charitable Trust .
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